1828 Storrs

Les Storrs Santa Monica Portrait of a City Yesterday and Today, Santa Monica Bank: Santa Monica, CA, 1974, 67 pp., 1828

     "The first real record dating to the time of the Spanish rule occurred when Jose Antonio Carrillo, alcade of Los Angeles in 1828 and brother of the great grandfather of Leo and Otie Carrillo, received an order to grant provisionally the land then known as San Vicente to Don Francisco Sepulveda. This grant was confirmed by Governor Juan Batista Alvarado, who unfortunately did not say anything about the boundaries of the land, thus laying the foundations for a dispute which did not end until 1881, when a United States court decreed that the Rancho San Vicente y Santa Monica included 30,239 acres against the 58,400 originally claimed."

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 Kelyn Roberts 2017