1869 (1870) (1871) (1872) (1860-1870) (1870-1880Table of Contents


Samuel Bowles Our New West: Records of Travel Between The Mississippi and the Pacific Ocean, Hartford Publishing Co.: Hartford, CT., J.D. Dennison, New York. J.A. Stoddard, Chicago, Il, 1869. Published by Subscription Only.   See Text

Robert Gottlieb and Irene Wolt  Thinking Big: The Story of the Los Angeles Times, Its Publishers and Their Influence on Southern California, G.P. Putnam's Sons: NY, 1977. 603 pp., 1909, 1876, 1869, 1781,  See Text

Gordon Newell and Joe Williamson Pacific Coastal Liners, Superior Publishing Co.: Seattle, WA, (Bonanza Books, Crown Publishing: NY), 1959, 192 pp., 1869, 1860s See Text

Grant H. Smith The History of the Comstock Lode 1850-1920, Geology and Mining Series No. 37, University of Nevada Bulletin: Reno, Nevada, vol. XXXVII. 1 July 1943, no. 3, (revised 1966), Ninth printing, 1980. 305 pp., 1869, 1860s See Text

Jack Smith The Big Orange Ward Ritchie Press: Pasadena, CA, 1976, 1869, See Text


The first velocipedes, unstable contraptions with a tall front wheel and a small one behind, were seen briefly in Los Angeles in 1869. BLY

 Kelyn Roberts 2017