1890-1900 Young and Young

Betty Lou Young and Randy Young Santa Monica Canyon: A Walk Through History Casa Vieja Press: Pacific Palisades, CA, 1997, 182 pp., 1890s

     "As for Kinney, he abandoned his subdivision plans-perhaps as a result of the economic downturn of 1888, and in 1891 sold his entire property on the mesa to Collis P. Huntington." p. 2    

     "In 1893, the state legislature . . . liquidated the forestry board and turned management of the Rustic Canyon operation over to the Agriculture Department of the University of California at Berkeley.

     " . . . vague accusations [of mismanagement]. In 1897 the value of the research was enhanced by an affiliation with the United States Forestry Department, which by then had experimental stations in thirty states."

     ". . . the 1890s. Hunting . . . for sport, to protect livestock, and to provide food had long been a tradition . . . butcher shops in Santa Monica were accustomed to preparing deer for domestic consumption . . . A. Mooser's store in Santa Monica . . .

     ". . . County ordinances . . . prohibited saloons in unincorporated areas from staying open on Sundays or after midnight on Saturdays . . .

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 Kelyn Roberts 2017