Pre-1759 Young and Young

Betty Lou Young and Randy Young Santa Monica Canyon: A Walk Through History Casa Vieja Press: Pacific Palisades, CA, 1997, 182 pp.

1. Santa Monica Canyon: The Land and Its Peoples

     " . . . the voyage of Juan Cabrillo up the coast from Baja in 1542, . . . sailed into Santa Monica Bay on October 5. . . .

     "After Cabrillo, only the yearly passage of the Manila galleons disturbed the coastal waters. For two-and-a-half centuries, these great sailing ships carried passengers and cargoes of gold and silver from Acapulco to Manila and returned laden with the riches of the Orient, crossing the ocean to a point near Cape Mendocino and sailing down the California coast to Acapulco . . . " p. 4

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 Kelyn Roberts 2017