1910 Carr 1935

Harry Carr Los Angeles City of Dreams (Illustrated by E.H. Suydam), D. Appleton-Century Co.: NY, 1935, 402 pp., 1935

     "The two high spots of Los Angeles sports were the first aviation meet ever held in the world-and the Olympic Games.

     "The aviation show was in 1910 on a high mesa of the old Dominguez ranch, near the scene of the Battle of the San Pedro where Mervine's American sailors retreated before [p. 186] the ancient pueblo cannon . . . [p. 186] There were only two aviators who figured to any extent-a Frenchman named Paulhan . . . The other flyer was Glenn Curtiss a pioneer manufacturer who came to sell planes . . ."

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 Kelyn Roberts 2017