1970 Kaufmann, Jr., 

Edgar Kaufmann, Jr. (ed.) The Rise of an American Architecture, Essays by Henry-Russell Hitchcock, Albert Fein, Winston Weisman, Vincent Scully, Praeger Publishers: NY, 1970, 1950s, 1920s, 1910s

     "Vincent Scully writes in his essay on the American house, on pages 203 and 204 " . . . Greene & Greene created the last vernacular of the old, nineteenth-century kind. The California bungalows that the publications of Gustav Stickley briefly popularized from their design. By the time of World War I, their vogue had passed. Greene & Greene themselves, like the architects of the Prairie School, hardly functioned thereafter, though they lived long enough to witness the revival of their influence after World War II. The same was, unfortunately, not true of Irving Gill, the Greene's contemporary. Gill simplified Spanish-Colonial precedent into cast concrete and produced a marvelously lucid and severely rational architecture that was not unconnected with contemporary puritanical polemics in Europe and was thus a double precursor of the International Syle of the 1920's. Gill's unselfish social conscience, rare among American architects of any period, should also be mentioned, as should his Lewis Courts in Sierra Madre, a highly successful housing project what was prompted by it."

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 Kelyn Roberts 2017