1982 Heskin 1983

Allen David Heskin After the Battle is Won, Political Contradictions in Santa Monica, UCLA Lecture and unpublished ms. Fall, 1983. 1983, 1982, 1981, 1980, 1979, 1977

     "However, having won these battles, new challenges awaited [SMRR], that of governing the city, and while governing, consolidating the victories they had scored. During the second year of SMRR's first two years in control of the city council, I worked in Santa Monica for the the Ocean Park Community Organization (OPCO). My responsibility was to establish a communtiy development corporation and help formulate neighborhood housing policy. While carrying out my assignment, I had the opporunity to closely observe SMRR's actions. My view was from the neighborhoods and, from my perspective, what I saw was an organization with a lot of problems in danger of squandering an extraordinary base of support."

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 Kelyn Roberts 2017