2007 Landmarks Commission 2617 3rd hearing

Landmarks Commission Meeting July 9, 2007 Appeal of New Construction at 2617 Third St., 7 p.m. City Council Chambers, City Hall, 1685 Main St. 2007

The Third Street Neighborhood Historic District, Created July 1990

Changes have been proposed for 2617 Third St. Site, namely the addition of new construction behind the existing structure. Opponents claim that the style is incompatible, that the building is too large, and will be highly visible from the street. It will be item 9B on the Landmarks Commission Agenda. 

Save the Cottage at 2219 Ocean Ave. [Demolition requested by University of Illinois Foundation], 2007

Save the Main Street building which housed the Jeff Ho Surf Shop and John Baldessari's studio [Development in the works], 2007. Landmarked?

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Kelyn Roberts 2015