1991 (1990) (1992) (1980-1990) (1990-2000Table of Contents


John Cage An Autobiographical StatementSouthwest Review, 1991, 1960s1940s1930s,  See Text

Philomene Long The California Mission Poems (Spanish Trans.: Mariano Zaro, 1993), Published in conjuction with the film, The California Missions, Narrated by Martin Sheen, Distributed by the Univeristy of California Extension Media Center, 1991, 42 pp. See Text

John Arthur Maynard Venice West: The Beat Generation in Southern California, Rutgers University Press: New Brunswick, NJ, 1991. 242 pp., 1967, 1963, 19611960, 1959, 1953, 1950s, 1948, 1946, 1944, 1938 See Text

Walter Mosley A Red Death Pocket Books: NY, 1991, 245 pp. (1953) See Text

Wolfgang Puck Adventures in the Kitchen: 175 New Recipes from Spago, Chinois on Main, Postrio and Eureka (Forward, Calvin Trillin) Random House: NY, 1991, 265 pp., 1991, 198See Text

Edmund White States of Desire: Travels in Gay America Plume: NY, 1991, 1983, 1980,  1970s, 344 pp. See Text


". . . it is interesting to note that the original problem that started my research is still outstanding-namely the problem of planning or scheduling dynamically over time, particularly planning dynamically under uncertainty. If such a problem could be successfully solved it could eventually through better planning contribute to the well-being and stability of the world." George Dantzig [1914-2005], 1991, Cited in J.J. O 20051952, 1950s, 1930s,


edmund White States of Desire, 1981, 1983,!991

 Kelyn Roberts 2017