1884 (1883) (1885) (1880-1890) (1890-1900Table of Contents


Donald M. Cleland A History of the Santa Monica Schools 1876-1951, Santa Monica Unified School District, February 1952 (Copied for the Santa Monica Library, July 22, 1963). 140 pp., 1884, 1880s See Text

Ingersoll's Century History Santa Monica Bay Cities (Being Book Number Two of Ingersoll's Century Series of California Local History Annals), 1908, 1908a, 1884

Chapter II. Laying the Foundations. 1870-1880.

Chapter III. From Town to City. 1880-1890.

Chapter VI. South Santa Monica and Ocean Park.

Chapter VII. Public Institutions: Schools; Public Library

Chapter VIII. Churches and Societies:Catholic Church

Chapter XI. Venice of America and Its Founder.

See Text

James W. Lunsford The Ocean and the Sunset, The Hills and the Clouds: Looking at Santa Monica, illustrated by Alice N. Lunsford, 1983, 1934, 1905, 1884,   See Text

Tom Moran and Tom Sewell Fantasy by the Sea Peace Press: Culver City, CA, 1980 (1979) (Originally published by Beyond Baroque Foundation with a grant from the Visual Arts Program of the National Endowment for the Arts), 1920, 1900s, 1884  See Text

Grant H. Smith The History of the Comstock Lode 1850-1920, Geology and Mining Series No. 37, University of Nevada Bulletin: Reno, Nevada, vol. XXXVII. 1 July 1943, no. 3, (revised 1966), Ninth printing, 1980. 305 pp., 1884, 1880s See Text

Les Storrs Santa Monica Portrait of a City Yesterday and Today, Santa Monica Bank: Santa Monica, CA, 1974, 67 pp., 1884, 1880s See Text


 Kelyn Roberts 2017