Mu-My Table of Contents
- Miss Sarah Much, 1908a, 1908
Treasurer. Santa Monica W.C.T.U., 1908a, 1908
Dr. Seeley G. Mudd, 1935
- Cal Tech, 1935
- in the high voltage X-ray laboratory donated by Kellogg of Corn Flakes, 1935
- This research on the treatment of cancer by high voltage irradiation has purposely been given less publicity than it deserves since, as is the case in all medical investigation, it is nearly impossible to be certain of the statistical success of a treatment without at least four or five years' trial. I am informed that the results are very promising and it is fairly safe to say that they will attract a great deal of attention in the near future as a more powerful substitute for radium surgery in the treatment of cancer, 1935
- Dr. Mudd's therapeutic experiments are carried on in the mornings with LA County hospital cases, 1935
Jeff Mudrick,* 1983, 1982
- Ocean Park Community Organization (OPCO) Organizer, 1983
- Contributed to The Celebration of the Arts, Ocean Park, 1982
Mudslides, 1977, 1960s
Joe Mugnaimie, 1999, 1966
- Artist, Contributor, Tower of Protest Panel, 1999, 1966
John Muir, 2000, 1979, 1870s
- First vertical ascent of Mount Wilson, late 1870s, 1979
John Muir Elementary School [1923- ], (SMMUSD), 2008, 2007, 2004, 2004a, 2003, 1984, 1983, 1982, 1952, 1934, 1933, 1930s, 1923, 1922, 1920s
- Ocean Park and Lincoln Boulevards, 1952, 1923, 1920s
- Eight classrooms, a large kindergarten, an auditorium and administrative offices. Two-story brick construction with tile roofs and were of the Mediterranean type of architecture, built on a site of nearly six acres, 1952, 1923, 1920s
- Platooned Scheduling, 1952, 1924
- The Santa Monica schools secured maximum benefits from the funds provided by the Works Progress Administration . . . John Muir and Franklin elementary schools were made quake-resistant by the removal of the second story and the strengthening of the lower floor, with additional classrooms being provided to replace those that had been removed. Each of the buildings was modernized and brought up to state standards. . . . all these buildings were completely rehabilitated and made earthquake resistant. Structural reinforcement, walls filled with concrete by the Gunite process, and modernization adapted these plants to more modern school use, 1952, 1930s
- SMMUSD, Sixth and Ocean Park Blvd., 2008
- 721 Ocean Park Boulevard. Established in 1922 and rebuilt in 1934 following the 1933 earthquake, the school was originally a two-story building, 1983
- Faculty, Staff, 1984, 1983, 1982, 1952
Dale Wikstrom,* Principal, 1982
Jerold Harris,* Principal, 2007, 1983, 1982, 1981, 1980, 1979
Mrs. Herman,* Grade 4, 1983
Mrs. Gloria Keller,* Grade 5, 1984, 1983
Henrietta Knapp,* Principal, 198 . . .
Students, attendees, graduates, 1984, 1983, 1982
- Rachel Braude,* 1983
- Brianna Rivera,* 2425 Third St., 2004a,
- Alfred Weisberg-Roberts,* 2004, 2003
- Alicia Weisberg-Roberts,* 1984, 1983, 1982
John Muir Elementary School: Mrs. Herman's Grade 4 Class, 1982-1983, 1983
John Muir Elementary School: Mrs. Gloria Keller's Grade 5, 1983-84, 1984
John Muir Elementary School: Mrs. Herman's Grade 4 Class, 1982-1983, 1983
John Muir Elementary School: Mrs. Gloria Keller's Grade 5, 1983-84, 1984
Mulberry 1981, 1976, 1956, 1944
Jimmy Mulcay, 1947
Mildred Mulcay, 1947
J. Georgia Anne Muldrow; 2006. 2005, 2005b
- Dwight Trible & the Life Force Trio Love is the Answer Ninja Tune LP, 3 vinyl and 2 cd, Zen 108 2005
Daedelus*; J. Georgia Anne Muldrow; Adam Rudolph*; Sa-Ra, 2005
Dwight Trible & the Life Force Trio Equipoise, Ninja Tune EP Zen12167/Zen CDS167, 2005-05 vinyl and cd, 2005
- Sa-Ra, Madlib, GB, Georgia-Anne Muldrow, Carlos Niño, and Daedelus* contribute production
Hello VA: The Sound of L.A. Volume 1 12" Plug Research (PLG 0665EP), 2006
"The Mule Line," 1974, 1890, 1889, 1888
- Horse drawn street car line set up by W.D. Vawter*, 1974, 1888
- This connected with the Southern Pacific near the depot, ran up Ocean Avenue to Utah, on Utah Avenue to Third Street, on Third to Arizona, and on Arizona to Seventh Street, 1974, 1888
- In 1889 this was extended to Seventeenth Street, 1974, 1889, 1888
- In 1890, a franchise was granted to connect a new street railway with the terminus of the Vawter* line, and extend to the Soldiers Home, 1974, 1890
Mules, 2005, 1975, 1920s
- Mule-drawn Fresno scrapers, 2005, 1975, 1920s
William Mulholland, 1977, 1971
H.B. Mulkey, Cigars & Tobacco, 2662 Trolleyway, O.P., 2003, 1912
John F. Muller Neglected Neighborhood . . . Santa Monica Daily Press, 4 August 2004a, 1, 1992, 1946. 1906
John Mullican, 1997, 1959
- Artist, Graduated from Canyon School, 1997
- 370 Mesa
Lee Mullican* (b. 1919), 1999, 1997, 1990, 1988, 1980, 1980s, 1980s, 1966, 1965, 1961, 1960, 1959, 1954, 1952, 1942,
- 370 Mesa, 1997, 1959
- Joined Rachel Rosenthal's Instant Theater, 1954, 1990
- Artist, UCLA, Venice Studio, 1997, 1959
- Guggenheim Fellowship, 1960
- U.C.L.A. Professor, 1990, 1961
- Pasadena Art Museum Retrospective, 1990, 1961
- Artist, Signer, We Dissent: Stop Escalation The Artists' Protest Committee Los Angeles Free Press, 2:20 (14 May 1965)
- Signer, Art Tower of Protest, Los Angeles Free Press, 2:20 (November, 1965), 1999, 1966, 1965
- Los Angeles Municipal Gallery, Barnsdall Park, 1990, 1980
Lee Mullican retrospective, 1990, 1980
Heritage Museum, 1990, 1980s
- Main and Ocean Park Blvd., 1990, 1980s
- Lee Mullican Retrospective, 1990, 1980s
Luchita Mullican-Lee, 1997, 1959
- Artist, 1997, 1959
- 370 Mesa
Matthew (Matt) Mullican, 1997, 1990, 1988, 1959
- Born in Santa Monica, 1951
- Artist, Graduated from Canyon School, 1997
- 370 Mesa
- University of New Mexico show with Lee Mullican, 1990, 1988
Susan Mullin,* 1990, 1982, 1981
- Santa Monica Pier Manager, 1990, 1981
- Contributed to The Celebration of the Arts, Ocean Park, 1982
Mullin, 2003, 1907
- Montgomery & Mullin, Lumber, Main & Navy, O.P., 2003, 1907
Peter Mullins*, 2005
- AP Real Estate, 2525 Main St., Alison St. Onge*, 2005
Mullions, 1976, 1971, 1919
- Skinny, metal mullions and frames, 1976, 1971, 1919
Multiple sclerosis (MS), 2001, 1946
Gordon Mumma, 1991, 1960s
- ONCE Composer and musician with Merce Cunningham, 1991, 1960s
Municipal Auditorium, 1981, 1976,
- (See Santa Monica Municipal Auditorium)
Municipal Theater, Singapore, 1926, 1925
Walter Mundell, P.M. [1842- ], Bio., p. 449, 1908a
Laura Muntz, 1990, 1890s
- Artist, 1990, 1890s
Murals, Muralists, 2004, 2004a, 2003, 2002, 1999, 1996, 1983, 1979, 1978, 1977, 1976, 1973, 1971, 1970s, 1939, 1938, Forward
- Judith Baca, 1999, 1996, 1970s
Muralist, 1999, 1996, 1970s
Edward Biberman, 1979,
- Abbot Kinney Mural,1979
Venice Postoffice, 1979,
U.S. Work Progress Administration (WPA), 1979,
Mike Caple*, 1983
- Tropical Scene, 2339 Main St., corner of Main and Hollister, 1983
James Doolin*, 2002, 1977
- UCLA graduate; Artist admired by Richard Diebenkorn; 2002, 1977
Jane Golden*, 1983, 1978, 1976
- Growth of Santa Monica, north wall of the Fourth Street underpass. 1982, the mural depicts the growth of Santa Monica.
- Early Ocean Park Scene, Main and Ocean Park Blvd., 1983, 1978, 1976
- John Muir Woods, northwest corner of Lincoln and Ocean Park. A two-panel mural, fronting two sides of the John Muir Auditorium, depicts forests, mountains and streams; 1983, 1976.
Stanton Macdonald-Wright*, 2004, 2003, 1983, 1938
- City Hall Lobby, 2004, 2003, 1983, 1939, 1938
West and north walls, historical timeline, 2004, 1983,
West and south walls, 1930's, 2004, 1983, 1939
Barnum Hall Stage Fire Curtains, 2003, 1938
Arthur Mortimer*, 1983, 1982, 1973, 1971
- Three-panel mural at the Kensington Entry to Joslyn Park, depicting Pier Avenue, 1904, Bath House and Ocean Front, 1906 and theBoardwalk between Venice and Ocean Park, 1912, 1983, 1982
- Portrait , Hart & Neilson, 1973, 1971
Rose Mural surrounding the main entrance, 2004, 1979
- Rose Cafe, 220 Rose Ave., 2004, 1999, 1996, 1979
Peter Stewart, (1955-1997) 2003
- Artist, POW-MIA, You Are Not Forgotten, mural, Pacific Ave., Venice, 2003
- National Veterans mural, Veterans Administration West Los Angeles Medical Center, 2003,
Venice Fine Arts Squad, 2004a, 1973, 1971, Forward
- The Isle of California, 2004a, Forward
Murders, 1983, 1974, 1884, 1877
- Solved,
Fronk, The Carpenter on the Beach, 1974, 1877
John V. Fronck, 1974, 1877
A carpenter, hired by an upland propety owner to build a small bath house on the beach, who was shot and killed by Weller, an employee of the Jones and Baker Land Co., which claimed to own the beach, when he refused to stop building, 1974, 1877
Country and Western Domestic
Muscle Beach
Unsolved, Mr. Moody,* 1983, 1884
- Moody Mansion, Fourth and Strand, 1983
William Murdoch, 1990, 1926
- Noted construction engineer, 1990, 1926
Joaquín Murietta, 1935
- Bandit apprehended by Major Horace Bell's Rangers, 1935
Coliene Murphy, 2010, 1999, 1965
- Nee (See) Rentmeister, (KR Interview), 2010, 1965
- Carousel Resident,
- Artist, Signer, We Dissent: Stop Escalation The Artists' Protest Committee Los Angeles Free Press, 2:20 (14 May 1965)
Eddie Murphy, 2004a, 1999, 1994
- Movie Actor, 2004a, 1994,
Michael Dudley Murphy, 2010, 1965
Murphy's Market, Meat Market, 1420 Trolleyway, 2003, 1912
David Murray,* 2009, 2005b, 2002
- (formerly of Estradasphere), 2002
- Busdriver and Daedelus* Live Airplane Food, Temporary Whatever LP, cd, 2002
G.A. Murray, 1974, 1906
- Santa Monica City clerk, 1974, 1906
Musa paradisia seminifera, 1980
- Banana, 1980
Musa sapientum, 1980
Joe Muscianesi, 1982
- Muscianesi & Isaacson, 2820 Main St., 90405, 1982
- Est. 5742; Merchants of Glass; Mel Isaacson; Joe Muscianesi 1982
Muscianesi & Isaacson, 2820 Main St., 90405, 1982
- Est. 5742; Merchants of Glass; Mel Isaacson; Joe Muscianesi 1982
Muscle Beach (1934-1959), 2007, 2006, 2006a, 2005, 2005b, 1999, 1994, 1990, 1974, 1959, 1958, 1956, 1954, 1952, 1950, 1950s, 1949, 1948, 1947, 1946, 1940s, 1936, 1935, 1934, 1930s
- (See Santa Monica Muscle Beach or Venice Muscle Beach)
- Works Progress Administration, (WPA), 2005, 2005b, 1990, 1934, 1930s
weight lifters, gymnasts, balancers, muscle control artists, and tumblers, 1990, 1946, 1935
Miss Muscle Beach Competition, 1990, 1947
- Vivian Crockett*, winner, 1990, 1947
- Val Njord*, second, 1990, 1947
- Jackie McCullah*, third, 1990, 1947
Activities: circus acrobats, night club performers, weight-lifting, body-building, table tennis, chess, two-person volleyball, balancing, juggling, lifts, adagio,
Mat covered platform, bleachers, full-length mirror, 1999, 1994, 1949, 1948, 1940s
Santa Monica, 1994, 1948
South of the Santa Monica Pier, 1999, 1940s
"Birthplace" of the 20th century's physical-fitness craze, 2005b
Exhibitionism or entertainment integral to Muscle Beach, 2005b, 1999, 1940s
Paula Boelsems*, 2005 inductee, 2005b
Pepper Gomez*, 1990, 1950
- East Los Angeles, 1990, 1950
- l.A. City Fullback, 1990, 1950
- Won 1950 Muscle Beach Contest, 1990, 1950
Lawrence "Larry" Mace*, Ed.D., 2006. 2006a, 1994, 1964, 1960. 1959, 1954, 1953, 1952, 1950s, 1949, 1948, 1942,
Dr. Paul Maclin*, president, 1990, 1955
Deforest "Moe" Most*, (b. April 23, 1917-2006), 2006, 2006a, 1994, 1980s, 1960, 1960s, 1959, 1952, 1949, 1948
- Director, Muscle Beach, 1959-1949, 2006
Dolores [Sundby*], 2006, 2006a, 1959
- Ode to Muscle Beach, 2006a, 1959
- aka Wayne-Marlin Trio, 2006, 2006a
- Glenn Sundby's sister 2006, 2006a
Glenn Marlin Sundby*, Glen "Whitey" Sundby, (1921- ), 2006. 2006a, 2005, 2000, 1996, 1990, 1987, 1969, 1968, 1963, 1956. 1950s, 1948. 1937, 1930s, 1921
Frankie Vincent*, 1994, 1949
- Muscle Beach handstander. Five feet tall and usual top-man, was able to execute a three-high hand-to-hand as the bottom-man 1994, 1949
Flying Rings Apparatus, 1954
Leo's Place, Burgers, 1999, 1940s
Larry "Leigh" Mace*, Muscle Beach, Standing on the Flying Rings Apparatus, 1954
Muscle Beach Bath House, 1974, 1956
Claiming it had become a magnet for "perverts" and "narcissistic parasites, Santa Monica closed the area in 1959, opening it several months later as Beach Park Four, 2005, 2005b, 1959
Became Beach Park 4, 2005
Muscle Builders, 1994, 1974, 1949, 1930s
- Steve Reeves, 1994, 1949
- VicTanny, 1974, 1930s
- Governor Arnold Schwarznegger, 2004, 1999, 1996
Muscle Beach Hall of Fame, 2005b
- Paula Boelsems*, 2005 inductee, 2005b
The Muscle Beach Weightlifters Club, 1990, 1955
- Dr. Paul Maclin*, president, 1990, 1955
Muscle Matinee, 1990, 1947
- Second annual celebration sponsored by the Santa Monica Recreation Department, 1990, 1947
- Beverly Jochner*, 1990,
the strongest girl in America, 1990,
Wayne Long,* 1990,
- Muscle Beach Performer, 1990,
Russ Sanders*, 1990,
- Muscle Beach Coach, 1990,
Pudgy Stockton*, 1990,
- "queen of the barbells", 1990,
Glen "Whitey" Sunby*, 1990,
- Muscle Beach performer, 1990,
Mr. Santa Monica, 1990, 1946,
Muscle Beach Contest, 1990, 1946
Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA), 2004, 1998, 1992
- Paul Schimmel, Curator, 2004, 1998, 1992
- Helter Skelter, 1992
The MOCA Store, 2004a
- 2435 Main St., Edgemar Center for the Arts, 2004a
The Museum of Jurassic Technology, 2010, 2009, 1996
- Funded in part by the Los Angeles Cultural Affairs Department
- 9341 Venice Blvd., Los Angeles, CA, 90034
- Tina Noel Marrin (ed.) Garden of Eden on Wheels: Selected Collections from Los Angeles Area Mobile Home and Trailer Parks, Essay by Erna Aljasmets, Contributions from The Museum of Jurassic Technology, Published by The Trustees, 1996 111 pp.
Museum of Modern Art, NY, 2003, 1940
- First Prize, Molded Plywood Chair, Charles Eames, 1940
Museums, Galleries, Institutes, Collections, Cultural Centers, Public Exhibition Spaces, Venues, 2009, 2008. 2007, 2006, 2005, 2005b, 2004, 2004b, 2004, 2003, 2001, 2000, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1992, 1990, 1987 , 1980s, 1971, 1961, 1960s, 1955, 1935, 1930, 1930s, 1927, 1920, 1908a
- (See Art Venues . . .)
- The Boston Museum of Fine Arts, 1908a
- Eli Broad Art Collection, Associated Telephone Bldg., 155 Marine St., Barnard Way, Santa Monica, 2007,
- The Cabrillo Beach Marine Museum, 1997, 1930s
- California Heritage Museum, 2009, 2008
2612 Main, just south of Ocean Park Blvd., 2008
California Palace of the Legion of Honor, 2001, 1973, 1930
Cowboy Hall of Fame, 1997, 1955
- Permanent exhibit of Nicholai Fechin (-1955) in Oklahoma City, 1997, 1955
Fine Arts Gallery, San Diego, 1990, 1927
- Henrietta Shore Show, 1927
Getty Museum, 2004b
The Glasgow (Scotland) Art Gallery and Museum, 2005, 2005b
- Salvador Dali, The Christ of St. John, 2005, 2005b
The Grunwald Graphic Arts Foundation, 2001, 1973, 1970
Heritage Museum, 2008, 1990, 1980s
- (See California . . . )
- Main and Ocean Park Blvd., 1990, 1980s
- Lee Mullican Retrospective, 1990, 1980s
The Huntington Gardens, Library and Museum, 1935
Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA) London, August 1-7, 2006
- Laura Martin*, 2006
- One minute video, Dress Form , will be shown at The One Minutes, Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA) London, August 1-7, 2006
Long Beach Museum of Art, 2005
Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 2001, 1990, 1960s, 1927
- James Elliot*, 1990, 1960s
Chief curator, 1990, 1960s
Los Angeles County Natural History Museum, 2006
The Los Angeles Museum, 1935
- the prehistoric animals found in La Brea Pits, 1935
Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA), 2004, 1998, 1992
Museum of Jurassic Technology, 2010, 2009, 1996
The Museum of Jurassic Technology, 1996
The Museum of Jurassic Technology, Los Angeles, 1996
Museum of Modern Art, 2003, 1940
Metropolitan Museum in New York, 1920
The Nethercutt Collection and Museum, 2004, 2004b, 2000, 1971
- Nearly 250 automobiles, , 2004, 2004b, 2000,1970s, 1971
- nationally known automobile library, , 2004, 2004b
- state-of-the-art restoration shop. , 2004, 2004b
- It has become a mecca for car enthusiasts and collectors since it opened in the 1970s, , 2004, 2004b
- Also houses the Nethercutt Automotive Research Library and Archives, 2004, 2004b, 2000
North Carolina Museum of Art, 2001
Pasadena Art Museum, 1990, 1961
- Lee Mullican Retrospective, 1990, 1961
The Pasadena Museum of California Art exhibit, 2003
- Edward Biberman's L.A., [Dec. 2003-Feb. 2004]
The Peabody Museum, Harvard College, 1908a
San Sylmar, 2004, 2004b, 1971
- Dorothy and J.B. Nethercutt*'s Museum, 2004, 2004b, 1971
- More than 250 vintage cars, 2004, 2004b
- Rare collectibles they regarded as "functional fine art.", 2004, 2004b
Music machines, 2004, 2004b, 1971
Theater Organs, 2004, 2004b, 1971
Santa Barbara Museum of Art, 1990
Santa Monica Heritage Museum, 2612 Main St., Sunday, June 14, 1987, 1:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M., 1987
Santa Monica Public Library, 2007
Skirball Cultural Center, Los Angeles, 2007, 2006
- Ruth Weisberg* Unfurled, Skirball Cultural Center, 2701 N. Sepulveda Blvd., Los Angeles, May 8-July 29, 2007.
Sir John Soane's Museum, London, GB 2009
Smithsonian Institute, 2003, 2001, 1973, 1967
- Smithsonian American Art Museum (SAAM) 2001,
- National Fine Arts, 2001, 1973, 1967
- National Portrait Gallery, 2003
Edward Biberman's portraits of Lena Horne and Dashiell Hammett, 2003
The Southwest Museum, 1935
The Southwest Museum, 1935
- Indian Artifact discoveries in the caves of Nevada, 1935
Surfing Walk of Fame, 1997,
- Huntington Beach, 1997
- Tom Blake, elected posthumously, 1997
Whitney Museum of American Art, 2001, 1973, 1935
- Abstract Painting in America, 2001, 1973, 1935
Wignall Museum, Chaffey College, 2005
Yale Center of British Art, New Haven, CN 2009
Joe Musgrove, 1979, 1923
- Uplifter member and part of the Riviera Country Club scheme, 1979, 1923
Mush Records, 2005, 2005b, 2004, 2003
- Bus Driver, RadioInacitive, with Daedelus* The Weather Mush Records MH 215 cd/vinyl, 2003, 2005b
2Mex Additional Vocals, 2005b
Daedelus Rethinking the Weather, Mush Records LP, mh-218, cd /vinyl, 2005b, 2003, 2005b
Daedelus and Boom Bip 28:06:42:12 Mush Records, mh 277, 7 inch, 2004, 2005b
Clue to Kalo One Way, It's Every Way Leaf/Mush LP . CD/vinyl
- Japan, 2005b
Daedelus* Exquisite Corpse, Mush / Ninja Tune LP, 232, cd /vinyl, 2005, 2005b
- Featuring: MF Doom, Prefuse73, Cyne, Mike Ladd, Sci, Jogger, Hrishikesh Hirway, TTC, and Laura Darling*, 2005, 2005b
- Artwork and Design by Florencio Zalavas, 2005, 2005b
Build An Ark Peace With Every Step, 2005b
Build An Ark Remixes EP, Mush Records, 2005b
- With Daedelus, 2005
Music, 2001, 1994, 1990. 1981, 1976, 1952, 1949, 1947, 1894, 1869
- Brass band playing old boom tunes, 1947, 1894
- Cacaphonous Fanfare, 1947, 1894
- Cars
- Chinese Orchestra, 1869
- On-board Pullman Car Organ, 1869
- Restored carousel and band organ, 1990, 1981
- Bongos, 1976; Singing Gondoliers, 1976; organ, 1987, 1976, 1900; Souza's Band, 1976; Wagnerian Opera, 1976; Simon Rodia sang arias, 1976; Western Swing, 1994, 1952, 1949; Wurlitzer Organ, 2003; as an industry, 1967; Gilbert and Sullivan's The Mikado, 1974, 1921; fox-trots, one-steps and waltzes, 1987, 1916; swing, 1987, 1943; country and western, 1987, 1945, 1944, 1943
- Fanfares, bands, dance music, Wilhartitz La Fiesta Los Angeles Greeting Song, 1947, 1894
Music Art Bldg., 232 South Hill, Los Angeles, 1925, 1924
The Music Arts Society, 1952
- Joint sponsors, along with the Santa Monica Schools, of The Music of the Masters concert series, 1952
Music as Color, (or Vice Versa) 2001, 1990, 1973, 1914, 1913, 1911, 1893
- Synaesthetic
- Bainbridge Bishop, A Souvenir of the Color Organ, with Some Suggestions in Regard to the Soul of the Rainbow and the Harmony of Light with marginal notes and illuminations by the author, The De Vinne Press: New Russia, Essex County, N.Y. 1893
- "Besides solving the problem of the inherent nature of colors in their relation to form, we have applied ourselves to a close study of the harmonious relation of these colors to one another. And, as a result of the incorporation of these colors into gamut-form, they convey the notion of 'time' in painting. They give the illusion that the canvas develops like music, in time, while both the old and modern paintings exist strictly in space. With one glance they can be felt in their entirety." Russell and Macdonald-Wright, 1914
- Charles Dockum, 1990, 1911
- Vasily Kandinsky, 1990, 1911
- Stanton Macdonald-Wright, 1990, 1913, 1911
- Orphists, 1990,, 1913, 1911
- Morgan Russell, 1990, 1913, 1911
- Percyval Tudor-Hart, 1990, 1911
Canadian artist and color theorist, 1990, 1911
Musical Compositions, CD Titles, 2008, 2007, 2006, 1940s, 1817, Footnote One
- Beethoven Piano works, 1907, 1817, Footnote One
- Brahms, German Requiem, 2007
- Busdriver Road Kill Overcoat Epitaph 86810-2 CD 2006
- Ted Daffan Blue Steel Blues, 1940s
- Daedelus Love to Make Music To, Ninja, 2008
- Kneebody Low Electrical Worker, Colortone-Media 7001, CD, 2007
Music Critics, 2009
- Martin Astin The Long Lost The Long Lost, Ninja Tune ZenCD133, 2009 Mojo April 2009
Music Curriculum, 1952, 1920s
- The music program established while the platoon schools operated has continued to grow into a particularly gratifying one. According to Wade Thomas, Supervisor of Music, the people of Santa Monica have always had a strong interest in music, and expect music to be a regular part of the program of the schools. Special music teachers provide classroom instruction in voice training, music reading, and music appreciation in the upper grades. Other specialists instruct small instrumental groups in strings, brass, and woodwinds; while glee clubs, orchestras, and an occasional elementary school band provide additional musical training at the elementary level. [42. Personal interview with Wade Thomas, June 7, 1951; Santa Monica,, California.], 1952, 1951, 1920s
- The music program is continued and extended in the program of the secondary schools. Piano classes are offered at the junior high school level as well as the opportunity to participate in the a cappella choir, glee clubs, band and orchestra. The high school and city college music program, Thomas points out, extend the secondary program even farther, providing great opportunity for both average students and those wishing to major in music. [43. Ibid.]
- Student accomplishment under the direction of the music department is demonstrated each year through participation in three combined community programs:
- The first is a Christmas program presented by various glee clubs and instrumental groups, and held annually in the Presbyterian Church.
- In April of each year the glee clubs, orchestra, and instrumental groups participate in the Concert of the Masters, 1952, 1951
- and the Symphonies by the Sea in May, 1952, 1951
- These three concerts have become traditional in the community and are enjoyed by many music enthusiasts, 1952, 1951
Music Dance/Visualizations, 1926, 1925, 1924, 1921
- Ecossaises, Op. 72, No. 3, (Chopin), Bowen, Henrion, 1921
- Seguidilla (Albeniz), Shawn, G. Copeland, 1921
- Waltz, Op. 39, No. 15 (Brahms), St. Denis, Rafael Navas, 1921
- Waltz, Op. 33, No. 15 (Brahms), St. Denis, 1926, 1925, 1924
- Second Arabesque (Debussy, 1926, 1921
- Danse Sacree (Debussy), 1926
- Danse Profane (Debussy), 1926
- Premier Valse Oubliee (Liszt), St. Denis, Buhlig, 1921
- At the Spring (Liszt), 1926
- Invocation to the Thunderbird, Dwellers from a Western World, (Sousa), Shawn, 1921
- Rigaudon (MacDowell) Betty May, Played by Olga Steeb, 1921
- The Dance of Theodora, Empress of Byzantium (Granades), Ruth St. Denis, 1921
- Allegro Risoluto, from the Suite for Violin and Piano, Op. 44 (Edward Schutt), Ensemble of Denishawn Dancers, 1926, 1925, 1924
- Adagio Pathetique (Godard), Ted Shawn, 1926, 1925, 1924
- Etude Op. No. 11 of Chopin), Ted Shawn, 1925, 1924
- Scherzo Waltz (Ilgenfritz), Doris Humphrey, 1926, 1925, 1924
- Album Leaf, Op. 45, No. 1; Prelude, Op. 11, No. 10 (Scriabin), Ruth Austin and Chas. Weidman, 1926, 1925, 1924
- Valse, No. 14 (Chopin), Anne Douglas and Georgia Graham 1925, 1924
- Waltz, Op. 33, No. 15 (Brahms); Ruth St. Denis, 1925, 1924
- Liebestraum (Liszt), Ruth St. Denis 1926, 1925, 1924
- Voices of Spring (Strauss), Ensemble of Denishawn Dancers 1925, 1924
(Pictorial inspiration from Botticelli's famous painting: Primavera)
Sonata Pathetique, First Movement, (Beethoven), 1926, 1925, 1924
Revolutionary Etude, (Chopin), 1926, 1925, 1924
Valse Caprice (Chaminade), Doris Humphrey, 1926, 1925, 1924, 1921
Soaring (Schumann), 1925, 1924
Whims (Schumann), 1926
Valse Brillante, (Mana Zucca), 1925, 1924
Greek Veil Plastique to Ballet Music from Orpheus (Gluck), 1926
Waltz (de Lachau), 1926
Chouer Danse ( Stcherbatcheff), 1926
Waltzes (Schubert), 1926
Allegresse (Sindig), 1926
Music Events, 2009, 2008, 1987, 1973, 1921
- The Agape International Choir, based in Culver City, CA, is scheduled to sing at the Obama Inauguration in Washington, D.C., January 2009, and has formed an ensemble for the Obama Presidential Inauguration activities:
The first-ever Neighborhood Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center. This event will be broadcast live on ABC.
The Green Ball, hosted by Al Gore and at which we will perform, will be broadcast live on Current TV.
Pam Maloney* at the Inauguration
We will be singing backup to former Black Eyed Peas member, Will I Am. We sing three songs, It's A New Day, Yes We Can, andAmerica Is Beautiful. We are also performing at three of the evening Balls in Washington, DC.
Earlier this week, we recorded a music session for the Oprah Show produced by David Foster. (Herbie Hancock and Ramsey Lewis were sitting in studio with us).
You can definitely see us on TV on the Oprah Show, live in DC.
Sunday Afternoon we will likely sing at the Lincoln Memorial free concert, as Will I Am sings. This is not confirmed as yet. It is broadcast on HBO.
Sunday night we are confirmed to sing with Rickie Byers Beckwith (our musical director) at the Om Ball with Ram Dass, Michael Beckwith, Toni Childs, Neal Donald Walsh, James Twyman & several other remarkable individuals.
On Monday night we are confirmed to sing back up for Will I Am at the Green Ball at the Smithsonian Museum, hosted by Al Gore. Later that same evening, we will perform at the Huffington Ball (Arrianna Huffington). Pam Maloney* at the Inauguration, 2009
David Avshalomov* Three Outside, premier
- Los Angeles Clarinet Choir, Margaret Thornhill, director.
- South Pasadena Library community room
1175 El Centro, South Pasadena
8: 00 pm Saturday, April 25, 2009
Camerata Bach Festival, Jonathan Talberg, director, 2009
- David Avshalomov* There's a Wind premiere commissioned by Camerata,
- Plus three motets of Bach, short works by Morley, Elgar.
- Los Altos UM Church, 5950 E Willow St, Long Beach (right by the 405), Sunday, March 29, 3:00 PM, 2009
Concert of the Masters, In April of each year the glee clubs, orchestra, and instrumental groups participate in the Concert of the Masters, 1952, 1951
Daedelus,* Does Dance, Edye Broad Performance Space, 7:30 p.m., 18 January 2009
Dr. Demento Sunday Night KMET Radio Remix Contests, 1973
John Ezmirlian* In The Spirit of Christmas 2008, CD Collection of 22 Piano Arrangements and Original Compositions, Performed by John Ezmirlian, 2008
- (310) 396-3992;
Gilbert and Sullivan's The Mikado, performed by Los Angeles Opera Company, featuring Lawrence Tibbett, opened the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium near Pier Ave., 1974, 1921
The Long Lost,* Dakota Lounge, 1026 Wilshire Blvd., 9 p.m., 15 January 2009
The Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra each year presents a series of concerts at the Santa Monica High School Auditorium, 1952, 1951, 1950
Music on Main, 1987
- Featuring New West Brass Quintet, Santa Monica Heritage Museum, 2612 Main St., Sunday, June 14, 1987, 1:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M., 1987
Music of the Masters concert series, 1952,
- sponsored jointly by the Music Arts Society and the Santa Monica schools, 1952
Santa Monica Pier Twilight Dance Concerts, 2009, 1990. 1985
Symphonies by the Sea, May, 1952, 1951
Twilight Jazz, 1987
- Featuring Max Bennett and Freeway, 1987
Annual Youth Christmas Vesper Service, 1952, 1951
- Concert sponsored by Trinity Baptist, First Methodist, First Christian, and First Presbyterian Churches, in which the Santa Monica City School District choirs participated 1952, 1951
Ben Wendel* CD Release Tour Simple Song, Sunnyside Records, 2009,
- March 19th, The Jazz Gallery, Manhattan, NY; March 24th, 2009, The Jazz Bakery, Culver City, CA, 2009
Musical Genres, Styles, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2006a, 2005b, 2003, 1990,1985, 1981, 1974, 1969, 1950s, 1947, 1945, 1944, 1940s, 1921, 1920s, 1908
- ambient music. 2006
- ambient experimental, 2005b
- Atonality, 1981, 1908
- Avant Garde Jazz Academic 2005b
- avant hip-hop, 2005b
- Avant-pop 2005b
- Bach, 1974, 1950s
- boom-bap, 2006
- Breakbeat, 2005b
- Breakcore/oldskool DJ, 2005b
- Broadway musical numbers, 2009
- Caroling, 2008
- [Music played between course at a Chinese banquet in San Francisco] simple rough, barbaric music of a coarse guitar, viol, drum and violin,1869
- Country-western Music, 2007, 2005b, 1990, 1985, 1945, 1944, 1940s
Spade Cooley, 2005b, 1940s
Ted Daffin and His Texans, 2007, 1945, 1944, 1940s
The Foreman Phillips County Barn Dance, 2005b, 1940s
Venice Pier, 2005b, 1940s
Roy Rogers, 2005b, 1940s
- Actor, Singer, Spade Cooley mentor, 2005b, 1940
Western Swing, 2005b, 1990, 1985, 1940s
Bob Wills, 2005b, 1940s
Dance Bands, 1974
Dissonance, 1981, 1908
Downtempo, 2005b
Dub music, 2005b
Eclectic, 1990, 1985
- Santa Monica Pier Twilight Dance Concerts, 1990. 1985
Electronic, 2005b
Electronica, 2005b
Electronic auteur 2005b
Electronic experimentalist, 2005b
Elizabethan madrigals, 2007
Fifties (1950s) Music, 1990, 1985
- 1950s rock n' roll, 1990, 1985
Folk 2007, 1990, 1985
Freestyle, 2005b, 2002
Gospel, 2009
Harmony, 1981, 1908
Hip-hop, 2005b
Hip-hop and electronic, 2005b
Humorous songs, 2006, 2006a
Jazz, 2005b
Jazz & r & b, 2005b
Klezmer, 2008
Los Angeles Art Rap, 2006, 2005b,
machine funk, 2004
Mechanical Music, 2004, 2004b
-, 2004, 2004b
- Theater Organs, 2004, 2004b
Melody, 1981, 1908
minimalist, 2005b
- minimalist tech-house, 2005b
Novelty, 1947, 1940s
Operetta, 1974, 1921
- Gilbert and Sullivan's The Mikado, performed by Los Angeles Opera Company, featuring Lawrence Tibbett, opened the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium near Pier Ave., 1974, 1921
Oratorios, 2007
Pop, 2007, 1947, 1940s
- Popular songs, 2007
Rap. 2007
Reggae, 1990, 1985
Roaring 1920s, 1990, 1985
Rock 'n Roll, 2006, 1974, 1971, 1950s
Sacred arias, 2007
Sacred Chorale, 2006
Sampled, 2005b
Santa Monica Pier Twilight Dance Concerts, 2009, 1990. 1985
- swing, country-western, reggae, roaring 1920s, folk and 1950s rock n' roll, 1990, 1985
shoegazey beatmaker, 2005b
Show tunes, 2007
Soul, 2005b
Soul/r&b, 2005b
Surf Music,
Swing, 1990, 1985
- Western Swing, 2006
syrupy crunk, 2006
tech-house, 2005b
- minimalist tech-house, 2005b
Traditional songs, 2007
Twenties (1920's) Music
- Roaring 1920s, 1990, 1985
Underground DJ, 2005b
West Coast left-field Hip-Hop/Electronica, 2005b
[Music played between course at a Chinese banquet in San Francisco] simple rough, barbaric music of a coarse guitar, viol, drum and violin,1869
Santa Monica Pier Twilight Dance Concerts, 1990. 1985
- swing, country-western, reggae, roaring 1920s, folk and 1950s rock n' roll, 1990, 1985
Western Swing, 2006
Musical Groups, Bands, Choirs, Ensembles, Orchestras, 2009, 2008, 2006, 2006a, 2005, 2005b, 2004a, 2002, 1996, 1994, 1999, 1990, 1987, 1985, 1983, 1980, 1979, 1978, 1976, 1975, 1974, 1973, 1960s, 1952, 1951, 1950, 1949, 1947, 1946, 1940s, 1935, 1930s, 1926, 1925, 1924, 1923, 1921, 1920s, 1917, 1914, 1910, 1905, 1896, 1894
- Adventure Time, 2006, 2005b
DJs, Daedelus and Frosty, 2005b
The Agape International Choir, 2009
Alice Cooper, 1979
- Rock band, formerly The Gnads, the house band at the Cheetah, formerly the Aragon Ballroom, 1979, 1960s
AmmonContact, 2006
Angelotti's Hungarian Orchestra, 1980, 1910
- Appeared at Fraser's Million-Dollar Pier Ballroom, 1980, 1910
The Anglican Chorale of Southern California, 2006
Arend's forty piece Italian Band, 1987, 1905
Arend's Venice Band , 1905, 1980, 1979
Arend's Orchestra, 1979, 1912
Armand's Band at the Venetian Gardens, 1987, 1905
Major Baisden's twelve piece Orchestra, 1987, 1922
- Opened the Bon Ton Ballroom on the Lick Pier on Easter 1922, 1987
Banda Bianca, 1914
Banda Rossi, 1914
Bands, Orchestras, 1952, 1920s
Banjo and guitar groups, 1979, 1896
Count Basie, 1990, 1950s
Beat Junkies, 2005
- A. J. Rocc, 2005, 2005b
The Beatles, 2006
Max Bennett and Freeway, 1987
- 50's swing, 1990, 1983
Boy Scout Band, 1967, 1926, 1924
Brass band playing old boom tunes, 1947, 1894
Build An Ark, 2005b, 2004,
Billy Burnett's Band, 1990, 1983
- With drummer Mick Fleetwood, 1990, 1983
Caltech College Orchestra, 2004a
Camerata Bach Festival, Jonathan Talberg, director, 2009
Caroling, 2008
- Samohi Choir, 2008
- Santa Monica Chorus, 2008
- J. Todd, 2008
Chamber Jazz Sextet, 2004b, 1957
- Dixieland Band for Pacific Ocean Park Opening, 1960s, 2004b
Signor Chiaffarelli and the Beach Marine Band, 1990, 1918
- Twenty-five member band which opened on the Bandstand at the foot of Looff Pier, 1990, 1918
Chinese musical instruments, 1947, 1895, 1894
Choirs, Choruses, 2009, 2008, 1979, 1925, 1924, 1905
- Church in Ocean Park Choir, Congregation, [Elinor Graham [ -2009], Director
- The a cappella choir, Glee clubs, orchestras, and an occasional elementary school band, The high school and city college music program 1952, 1951, 1950s, 1940s, 1920s
- The Agape International Choir, 2009
- St. Olaf Lutheran Choir, 1925, 1924
F. Melius Christiansen, musical director , 1925, 1924
St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota, 1925, 1924
Samohi Choir, 2008
Santa Monica Chorus, 2008
Venice Children's Chorus, 1979, 1905
- Hail Columbia, 1979, 1905
- Battle Hymn of the Republic, 1979, 1905
Don Clark* and his 18 piece orchestra, 1974, 1924
Don Clark* and the twenty member La Monica Orchestra, 1990, 1924
Don Clark* and his La Monica Orchestra, 1980, 1920s
- Santa Monica Pier At Colorado Av., 1980, 1920s
George Clinton and Parliament, Funkadelics 2005, 1978
- "One Nation Under a Groove.", 2005, 1978
Spade Cooley*, 2006, 1994, 1990, 1974, 1961, 1955, 1954, 1952, 1950, 1949, 1948, 1947, 1946
- "King of Western Swing" and his country-western dance band, 1950, 1948, 1946
- Country and Western Shows, 1974,
Country and Western, Cowboy, 2007 1945, 1944, 1940s
- Spade Cooley*, 2006, 1994, 1990, 1974, 1961, 1955, 1954, 1952, 1950, 1949, 1948, 1947, 1946
- Ted Daffin (' Texans) and his Texan's, 2007 1945, 1944, 1940s
Billy Cox's 10 piece orchestra, 1974, 1926
Creatore, 1914
Crowds, 1947, 1894
Daedelus, Does Dance, Edye Broad Performance Space, 7:30 p.m., 18 January 2009, 2005b
Ted Daffin ('Texans) and his Texan's, 2007 1945, 1944, 1940s
Dance Bands, 1974
Death Cab for Cutie, 2006, 2003
- Benjamin Gibbard, 2006, 2003
Denishawn Instrumental Quartet, 1925, 1924
- Rock Band, Jim Morrison, 1997, 1968
Tommy Dorsey's Band, 1979, 1946
- The Casino Gardens, 1979, 1946
Duran Duran*, 2004
Ellery's Band replaced Armand's Band, 1987, 1905
Ellery*'s Royal Italian Band, 2005b, 1905
- Venetian Gardens, 2005b, 1905
Ecolibrium, 1982
Estradasphere, 2005b, 2002
- David Murray, 2005b, 2002
- Mick Fleetwood, 1990, 1983
- Christine McVie, 1990, 1983
Fresh Juice, 1982
- Rock Band, Ed Sanders, 1997, 1968
George Clinton and the Funkedelics/Parliament, 2005b
The gamelan orchestra, 1926, 1925
Placido Gilgi's 16 piece Band, 1987, 1907
- Performed at Kinney's Midway Plaisance, 1987, 1907
The Gnads, 1979
- Rock band, formerly The Gnads, the house band at the Cheetah, formerly the Aragon Ballroom, 1979, 1960s
The Gnads (Alice Cooper), 1979, 1960s
- The house band at the Cheetah, 1979, 1960s
Benny Goodman* and his Orchestra, 1987, 1943
- Played swing in the Casino Gardens on the Ocean Park Pier, 1987, 1943
The Greater Carmichael Traveling Street Band, 2008, 1960s
Gregory's Band, 1990, 1909
- Opened the Santa Monica Municipal Pier along with a contingent of U.S. Marines from two battle cruisers anchored off-shore, to 5,000 spectators and Mayor T.H. Dudley, 1990, 1909
Harry Hines' Orchestra, 1987, 1913
- Performed at the reopened Dome Ballroom at the end of Fraser's Million-dollar Pier, 1987, 1913
Small instrumental groups in strings, brass, and woodwinds, 1952, 1920s
Iron Butterfly, 1979, 1960s
Italian Bands, 1987, 1905
- Arend's Band, 1987, 1905
- Professore Ceasare La Monica's Royal Italian Band, 1917, 1910s
Harry James* and his Orchestra, 1987, 1943
- Played swing in the Casino Gardens on the Ocean Park Pier, 1987, 1943
Jazz, 2005b, 2004, 2002, 2001, 1987, 1979, 1943, 1926, 1925, 1924
- Harry James* and his Orchestra, 1987, 1943
Played swing in the Casino Gardens on the Ocean Park Pier, 1987, 1943
Art Kassel's Band, 1979, 1925
- Benny Goodman, 1979, 1925
The Stan Kenton Orchestra, 1979, 1994
Kneebody, 2005b
Ben Pollack and His Californians, 1979, 1925, 1924
Ben Wendel*, 2005b, 2004, 2002, 2001
- Bassoon, Flute, Rhodes, Saxophone, 2005b, 2004, 2002
Wendell*, 1979, 1970s
- Tenor saxophone player, black and Synanon resident, 1979, 1970s
Spike Jones Orchestra, 2006, 2006a,
Art Kassel's Band, 1979, 1925
- Benny Goodman, 1979, 1925
The Stan Kenton Orchestra, 1979, 1994
Klezmer Juice, 2008
- Dec. 14, 2008, Main Street Farmer's Market, 2008
Kneebody, 2005b
Kay Kyser and his Orchestra, 2003, 1947, 1940s
KMD, 2005b
- Lil Sci, 2005b
Ben Laietsky's Orchestra, 1987, 1916
- Playing fox-trots, one-steps and waltzes, at the Dome Dance Pavilion, 1987, 1916
- Provided the music on July 4, 1916 at the newly opened Dome Dance Pavilion to 68,000 people, 1987, 1916
Professor Caesare La Monica and the Royal Italian Band, 1990, 1917, 1910s
La Monica Dance Orchestra, 1990, 1929
Carol Laughner and the La Monica Ballroom Orchestra, 1990 , 1925
- 1925-1926 winter session distinguished itself in that all the members could sing like a glee club, 1990, 1925
The Lennon Sisters, 1979
Lee Lewis' Band, 1979, 1925, 1924
Lincoln Park Band, 1909
- Frank Gregory*, Director, 1909
Long Beach Camerata Singers, 2009
Long Lost, 2009, 2006, 2005b
- Dakota Lounge, 1026 Wilshire Blvd., 9 p.m., 15 January 2009
The Long Lost The Long Lost, Ninja Tune ZenCD133, 2009
Los Angeles Clarinet Choir, Margaret Thornhill, director, 2009
Los Angeles Opera Company, 1974, 1921
- featuring Lawrence Tibbett, 1974, 1921
The Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra, 1952
Abe Lyman and his World Famous Orchestra , 1925, 1924
Mariachis, 2004b, 1960s
Ted Miller's orchestra, 1979, 1930s
- At the Deuville Club, 1979, 1930s
Minstrel show, 1979, 1896
Ollie Mitchell's Sunday Band, 1990, 1983
Earnest Mock and the Old Ocean Park Singers, 1973
- 433 Hill St., Santa Monica, CA 90403, 1973
Jim Morrison, 1979, 1960s
National Male Quartet, 1973
New West Brass Quintet, 1990, 1987, 1985
Occidental College Orchestras, 2004a
Two opera companies stage productions at the Santa Monica High School Auditorium regularly, 1952, 1951, 1950
Ocean Park Irregulars, 1982
Ocean Park Jazz Quintet, 1982
Glen Oswald Orchestra, 1990, 1925
- Played the summer season at the La Monica Ballroom, 1990, 1925
Parliament, 2005, 1978
- "One Nation Under a Groove.", 2005, 1978
Tony Pastor Orchestra, 2001, 1947, 1944
- East Coast Dance Band in which Joe Pass played, 2001, 1944
Pavlowa's Ballet Russe and Orchestra, 1925, 1924
Peach Pickers, 1940s
Platinum Pied Pipers, 2005b
- Waajeed, 2005b
Ben Pollack and his Californians, 1979, 1925, 1924
- Venice Ballroom, 1924 , 1925, 1979
- the first large white jazz band, 1979, 1925, 1924
- Wayne Allen, Benny Goodman, Harry Greenberg, Al Harris, Fud Livingston, Glenn Miller, Dick Morgan and Gil Rodin, 1979, 1925, 1924
Portland Youth Symphony Orchestra, 1996
Postal Service, 2005, 2004
- Benjamin Gibbard, (Death Cab for Cutie) and Jimmy Tamborello, 2006, 2003
Project Blowed, 2005b
- Absract Rude, 2005b, 2003, 2002
- Busdriver, 2005b, 2003, 2002, 2001
- Ellay Khule, 2005b
- Mikah-9 ( Freestyle Fellowship), 2005b
- 2Mex, 2005,2005b, 2003, 2001,
The George Redman band, 1979, 1928
- Ship Café, 1979, 1928
Rhythm Kings, 1990, 1987, 1985
St. Olaf Lutheran Choir, 1925, 1924
Santa Monica Band, 1974, 1893
Santa Monica Chamber Orchestra [1980-1989], 1996, 1987
- P.O. Box 5474, Santa Monica, CA, 90405 May 14, 1987
Santa Monica Chamber Orchestra, 1982
Samohi Choir, 2008
Santa Monica Chamber Philharmonia, 2004a
Santa Monica Chorus, 2008
Santa Monica Ladies Symphony Orchestra, 1990, 1917
- Which finished the 1917 season, opened by Professor Caesare La Monica and the Royal Italian Band, 1990, 1917
Santa Monica Municipal Band, 1990, 1926, 1923
- At the American Legion Annual Interpost Water Carnival and Mardi Gras Beauty Contest Celebration on the La Monica Pier, 1990, 1926
Santa Monica Symphony, 2004a
Savath & Savalas, 2005b
Scienz of Life, 2005b
- Lil Sci, 2005b
Seattle Opera, 1996, 1970s
The Seeds, 1979, 1960s
Silvey's Orchestra, 1990, 1987, 1921
- Featuring Frank Lewis, Harry Rowe, Bernard Saenz and Chadwick Silvey, 1987, 1921
- Played Friday and Saturday nights and Sunday afternoon, at the Palisades Pavilion Dance Hall on the Looff Pier, 1990, 1921
Silvey's Orchestra, featuring Frank Lewis, Harry Rowe, Bernard Saenz and Chadwick Silvey, 1990, 1921
David Snell's Orchestra, 1987, 1925
John Philip Sousa's Band, 1976, 1922
The Southern California Band and Orchestra Festival, 1952
Spade Cooley, the King of Western Swing, and his Orchestra, 1994, 1952, 1949
Caryle Stevenson and his Orchestra, 1987, 1924
The Sun Ra Arkestra, 2006, 2005
- Displaced forward in time, 2005, 2006
The Temple Silver Band parades the streets, 1935, 1920s
Dwight Trible & the Life Force Trio, 2005, 2005b
- Catherine Jackson, Harp, 1925, 1924
- Carrie Donaldson Kraft, Dramatic Soprano, 1925, 1924
- Esther Auten Pine, violin, 1925, 1924
Unlisted Jazz Band, 1990, 1985, 1980s
- First Twilight Concert on the Santa Monica Pier, 1985, 1980s
Vanilla Fudge, 1979, 1960s
The Venice of America Band, 1999, 1917, 1914
- Cesare La Monica,* Director, 1990, 1914
The Venice Band, 1979, 1923
Venice Children's Chorus, 1979, 1905
- Hail Columbia, 1979, 1905
- Battle Hymn of the Republic, 1979, 1905
The Venetian Lady Mandolin Orchestra, 1979, 1896
The Verdi Choir, 2008, 2007
- Robina Mapstone, 2007
Lawrence Welk and his Orchestra, 1987, 1979, 1974, 1951, 1946
- Aragon Ballroom at the Lick Pier, 1987, 1979, 1951, 1946, 1943
- Managed by Gordon 'Pops' Sadrup, 1987, 1951
- Lawrence Welk's first televised KTLA program May 2, 1951, 1987
- brand of light popular danceable music, 1979, 1951, 1946
Wendel, 2005b
- Adam Benjamin, Rhodes; Kaveh Rastegar, Electric Bass; Ben Wendel*, Saxophone; Nate Wood, Drums, 2005b
Ben Wendel* Quartet, 2005b
- Larry Koonse (Guitar), Darek Oles (Bass), Ben Wendel*(Sax), Nat Wood (Drums), 2005b
Paul Whiteman's Orchestra, 1990, 1925, 1924
- New York Orchestra from which Don Clark* came directly to direct the twenty piece La Monica Orchestra, 1990, 1924
- The Paul Whiteman Orchestra played the La Monica Ballroom in the Spring of 1925, 1990
Keith Williams Big Band, August 24th, 1990, 1975
Bob Wills and the Texas Playboys, 2005b, 1940s
1982 Woof Tones,* 1982
- Cindy Cotton,* 1982
- Barton Gawboy,* 1982
- Eddie Glickman,* 1982
- Eileen Jennis,* 1982
- Lynn Levine,* 1982
- Kathy Smith,* 1982
Music Industry, Record Labels, Producers, Publishers, 2009, 2007, 2001, 1999, 1990, 1979, 1974, 1973, 1970, 1970s, 1961, 1960, 1960s
- (Music Industry, Record Labels, Producers, Publishers)
- Outlets, media, markets, 2006, 2005b, 1940s, 1935, 1926, 1905
The Foreman Phillips County Barn Dance, 2005b, 1940s
Venice Pier, 2005b, 1940s
Radio, 1935, 1926
Venetian Gardens, 2005b, 1905
Julian Aberbach(1909-2004)( 95), 2004
Herb Alpert, 1990, 1960s
- A & M Records, 1990, 1960s
- Pass* recorded with pianist Oscar Peterson and bassist Niels Henning Orsted Pedersen at in May of 1973. The Trio album was a huge success for Pablo and won a Grammy Award in 1974, 2001, 1974, 1973
Dick Bock*, 2001, 1961, 1960
- owner of World Pacific Records, 2001, 1961
- was one of the Synanon's sponsors, 2001, 1960
Colortone-Media, CD, 2007
- Kneebody Low Electrical Worker, Colortone-Media 7001, CD, 2007
Disc Jockeys, 1973
Edison Records, 1973
Epitaph, 2007, 2006
- Busdriver Road Kill Overcoat Epitaph 86810-2 CD 2006, 2007
Friends of Friends, 2009
- Daedelus, 2009
- Peanut Butter Wolf, 2009
Norman Granz, 2001, 1973, 1970s
- founder of Verve records, 2001, 1970s
- jazz impresario, 2001, 1970s
- Jazz at the Philharmonic, 2001, 1970s
- a new label called Pablo, with world-wide distribution through RCA, 2001, 1970s
- Pass recorded a live set with pianist Oscar Peterson and bassist Niels Henning Orsted Pedersen at in May of 1973. The Trio album was a huge success for Pablo and won a Grammy award the next year. . . . 2001, 1973
Musical Instruments, 2003, 1907
- Ocean Park Book Store, Musical Instruments, 171 Pier Ave., O.P. 2003, 1907
Kendrick Kinney, 1999
- M.G.M. Sound Editor on Gone with the Wind and The Wizard of Oz, 1999
- Sound Editor for The Wreck of the Mary Deere, 1999
- Nominated for an Academy Award forThe Wreck of the Mary Deere, 1999
Les Konig (d. 1977) 1979, 1970s
- Jazz Player and Record Producer
- Contemporary Records
Ed Michel, 1979, 1970s, 1959
- Bass Player and Record Producer
Laurie Miller*, 1979, 1970s,
- Rock Album Cover Photographer, 1979, 1970s
- Co-author of Art Pepper's Autobiography;
- Synanon resident, 1971-1969
NinjaTunes, 2990
- Daedelus
- The Long Lost,
Pacific Jazz, 1979, 1960s
- Record Company, 1960s
Laurie Pepper* (nee Miller*), 1994, 1979, 1970s, 1969
ProperBox CD, 1999
- Doughboys, Playboys and Cowboys: The Golden Years of Western Swing, 1999
Music Publishers, 2004
- Julian Aberbach, 95, 2004
Co-Founded Firm That Published Elvis Hits, 2004
Music publisher of fiddler Spade Cooley*'s Shame on You, 2004
Radio Hosts, 1973
RCA, 2001, 1979, 1974, 1973, 1924
- Distributed Trio on Granz' Pablo Label, 2001, 1974, 1973
- Recorded Ben Pollack and his Californians, with their soloist Chicagoan Benny Goodman whotraveled back to the Chicago Victor Studios in 1924, 1979
Todd Selbert, 1994, 1979
- Discographer, 1994, 1979
Douglas Shearer, 1997, 1930s
- Chief MGM sound technician, 1997, 1990s, 1930s
John Snyder, 1979, 1970s
- Record Producer
Studio Musicians, 2001, 1960s
- Joe Pass, 1960s, 1970s
National Musicians Union, 1990, 1944
Venice Beach, 1979, 1970s
Verve Record Company, 1979
Westlake School of Music, 1979, 1970s
Musicians, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2006a, 2005, 2005b, 2004, 2004b, 2003, 2002, 2001, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1994, 1992, 1991, 1990, 1988, 1987, 1983, 1982, 1981, 1980, 1979, 1978, 1976, 1974, 1973, 1972, 1971, 1970, 1970s, 1968, 1962, 1961, 1960, 1960s, 1959, 1957, 1955, 1954, 1952, 1950, 1950s, 1948, 1947, 1946, 1944, 1940s, 1935 1930s, 1926, 1925, 1924, 1921, 1920, 1920s, 1917, 1914, 1912, 1910, 1908, 1905, 1900s, 1894, 1890s, 1880s
- (Musicians, Compositions, Instrumentalists, Musical Groups; See Bands)
- Damon Aaron, 2005b, 2001
- Absract Rude (Project Blowed), 2005b, 2003, 2002
- Adlib, 2005, 2005b
With Subtitle, Labwaste, 2005
Adventure Time, 2006, 2005b, 2004, 2003,
- DJs, Daedelus and Frosty, 2005b, 2003
The Agape International Choir, 2009
Airport 81 (San Diego), 2005, 2005b
Jack Albee, 1982
Albeniz, 1921
- Seguidilla, 1921
Alder and Elius 2005b, 2004
Alias, 2005, 2005b
David Allen*, 2001, 1960
- trumpeter, 2001, 1960
- Featured on the World Pacific Sound of Synanon, 2001, 1961
Wayne Allen, 1979, 1925, 1924
- Ben Pollack and his Californians, 1979, 1925, 1924
Herb Alpert, 1990, 1981, 1960s
- Trumpet; A & M Records, 1990, 1960s
Fabian Ammon Alston, 2006, 2005b
- With Carlos Niño, Ammoncontact, 2005b
Ammoncontact, 2006, 2005, 2005b, 2004, 2003, 2001,
- Carlos Niño and Fabian Ammon Alston, 2005b
Lily Strickland Anderson, 1926, 1925
- The Cosmic Dance of Siva, 1926, 1925
Angelotti, 1980, 1910
The Anglican Chorale of Southern California, 2006
George Antheil, 1990, 1948
Antiquark (San Diego), 2005, 2005b
APSCI (feat. Mr. Lif), 2005, 2005b
Irvine Arditti, 1991, 1988
Arend, 1980, 1979, 1912, 1905
- Arend's Venice Band Season, 1905, 1980, 1979
- Thirty-two members including Arend himself, 1980, 1979, 1905
Paul Arnoldi, 1982
(Musical) Arrangers, 2008, 2005b, 1926, 1925, 1924
Cuardro Flamenco, 1925, 1924
Theodora, Empress of Byzantium, 1925, 1924
Clifford Vaughan, 1926, 1925
- In the Bunnia Bazaar ( Lily Strickland Anderson), 1926
Ben Wendell,* 2005b
Robert Ashley, 2005b
Autolux, 2006
Allen Avanessian, 2004
Avenue D, 2005, 2005b
Aaron Avshalomov, Conductor, composer, 1996
- Composer, conductor, Shanghai, 1996
- Grandfather of David Avshalomov*, 1996
Daniel Avshalomov, 1996
David Avshalomov* (1946-), 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 1996
- Composer, Conductor, Educator, Bass, Project Manager, 2007, 2007, 2005, 1996
Doris Avshalomov, 2004
- Poet, former teacher, and trained singer, 2004
Jacob Avshalomov, Conductor, composer, 1996
- Portland , OR, 1996
- Father of David Avashalomov*, 1996
Bach. 1974, 1950s
Joan Baez*, 1990, 1960s
Bantock, Sappho, 1921, 1920
Count Basie, 1990, 1950s
Bass, 2005b, 2001, 1979, 1970, 1970s, 1959
- Lionel Chambers, 1959
bass, 1959
Charlie Haden, 1979, 1970s
- Bass player with Les McCann and Art Pepper*, 1979, 1970s
Carol Kaye, 2001, 1970
- Electric bassist, 2001, 1970
Ed Michel, 1979, 1970s, 1959
- Bass Player and Record Producer
Kaveh Rastegar, 2005b
- Electric Bass, 2005b
Beans (Anti Pop Consortium), 2004
The Beatles, 2006
Thavius Beck, 2005, 2005b
Captain Beefheart, 1981
Beethoven, 1991, 1950s, 1926, 1925, 1924, Footnote One
David Behrman, 1991,
- Musician with Merce Cunningham, 1991
Adam Benjamin, (fender, rhodes, piano), 2005b, 2002
Bergsma, 1996
Bernstein, 1996
Leonard Bernstein, 2010, 2009
- Composer, operetta, Candide, 2010, 2009
Genevra Bishop, 1979, 1905
- Singer, 1979, 1905C
Black Monk, 2006
Black Pocket, 2006
Blomstedt, 1996, 1972
Blu Jemz, 2005b
Bluffs, 2005
Lee Boek*, 2008, 1960s
Bond, 1926, 1920
- Betty's Music Box , 1920
- Three Little Maids , 1926
Maryanne Bonnetti, 1982
Boom Bip, 2005b, 2004
Bill Boyle, 1959
- drums, 1959
Brahms, 1926, 1925, 1924, 1921, 1920
Modesto "Mo" Briseno, 2004b, 1957
- baritone sax with the Chamber Jazz Sextet, 2004b, 1957
- Tenor and Baritone Saxophones, Clarinet, 1957
Earle Brown, 1991, 1950s
- Composer, 1991, 1950s
Lew Brown, 1973
David Brusie, 2005, 2005b
Buddy System, 2004
Richard Buhlig, 1991, 1930s, 1921
- First pianist to play Schoenberg's Opus II, 1991, 1930s
- Premier Valse Oubliee (Liszt), St. Denis, 1921
Build An Ark, 2005b, 2004
Bumblebeez81, 2005, 2005b
Rene Burkett, 2007
- Soprano, 2007
Busdriver (Project Blowed), 2007, 2005, 2005b, 2003, 2002, 2001
- MC, rapper, vocalist, 2007
- Busdriver Video filmed at 2421 Third St., Santa Monica, 90405, 2007
- Busdriver Road Kill Overcoat Epitaph 86810-2 CD 2006, 2007
Charles Wakefield Cadman, 1926, 1925, 1924,
- The Feather of the Dawn A Pueblo Pastoral, Ted Shawn, 1926, 1925, 1924
John Cage,*2005b, 1991, 1950s, 1940s, 1930s, 1920s, Footnote One
- An Autobiographical Statement, Southwest Review, 1991, 1950s, 1940s, 1930s, 1920s,
Calamalka, 2005b
Calirhoe, 1920
Calliopes, 1979
Jaime Camberlin*, 1979, 1970s
- Conga player and Synanon resident, 1979, 1970s
Camping, 2005b
Thomas Campion (pub. 1603), 1957
- When Corinna To Her Lute Softly Sings, 1957
Cantori Domini, 2007
Captain Beefheart, 1981
Caribou, 2006
Tsutomu Carton, 1982
Caruso, 1952
- Tenor whose records were played by Rodia, 1952
Caural, 2005, 2005b, 2003
'Cello, 1925, 1924
Lionel Chambers, 1959
- bass, 1959
Chaminade, 1926, 1925, 1924, 1920
Chapi, Serenata Morisca, 1920
Stanley Chapple, U. of Washington, 1996
Chessie, 2006, 2005b
Manfredi Chiaffarelli*, 1999
- The Venice-of-America Band, 1999
Choirs, Chorales, Choruses, 2009, 2007, 2006, 1979, 1925, 1924, 1905
- The Agape International Choir, 2009
- The Anglican Chorale of Southern California, 2006
- Cantori Domini, 2007
- Church in Ocean Park Congregation, 2007, 1983
- St. Olaf Lutheran Choir, 1925, 1924
- Venice Children's Chorus, 1979, 1905
Hail Columbia, 1979, 1905
Battle Hymn of the Republic, 1979, 1905
Verdi Choir, 2007
Chopin, 1926, 1925, 1924, 1921
- Ecossaises, Op. 72, No. 3, 1921
- Mazurka, Opus 67, No. 3, 1920
- Etude Op. No. 11, 1925, 1924
- Valse, No. 14, 1925, 1924
- Revolutionary Etude, 1926, 1925, 1924
- Ecossaises, Op. 72, No. 3, 1921
F. Melius Christiansen, musical director, 1925, 1924
- St. Olaf Lutheran Choir, 1925, 1924
Clarinets, 1979, 1925
- Daedelus, 2005b
- Benny Goodman, 1979, 1925,
Art Kassel's Band, 1979, 1925
Ben Pollack and his Californians, 1979, 1925,
Don Clark*, 1990, 1980, 1974, 1924, 1920s
kit clayton, 2005b
Nels Cline, 2006.
George Clinton, 2005, 2005b, 1978
George Clinton, and the Funkedelics, 2005b
George Clinton and Parliament, 2005, 1978
- One Nation Under a Groove, 2005, 1978
- Suzanne, 1997, 1968
Coleman, 2006,
Composers,2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2005b, 2004, 2003, 2001, 1947, 1999, 1996, 1995, 1991, 1987, 1983, 1981, 1979, 1974, 1973, 1972, 1967, 1961, 1960s, 1954, 1950s, 1940s, 1935, 1933, 1930s, 1926, 1925, 1924, 1921, 1920, 1908, 1896
- Albeniz, 1921
Seguidilla, 1921
Lily Strickland Anderson, 1926, 1925
- The Cosmic Dance of Siva, 1926, 1925
Robert Ashley, 2005b, 1995
Aaron Avshalomov, Conductor, composer, 1996
- Composer, conductor,Shanghai, 1996
- Grandfather of David Avshalomov*, 1996
David Avshalomov* (1946-), 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 1996
- Composer, Conductor, Educator, Singer, Project Manager, 2005, 1996
- Hollister Court, 2004
- Choral Work, Canticle 14 ("I bend the knee"), 2006
- Choral Works sung in English, by Cantori Domini, 2007
Jacob Avshalomov, Conductor, composer, 1996
- Portland , OR, 1996
Milton Babbit, 1995, 1940s
Bach. 1974, 1950s
Bantock, Sappho, 1921, 1920
Beethoven, Sonata Pathetique, First Movement, 1926, 1925, 1924, Footnote One
Adam Benjamin, 2007
Bond, 1926, 1920
- Betty's Music Box , 1920
- Three Little Maids , 1926
Bergsma, 1996
Brahms, 2007. 1921
Brahms, German Requiem, 2007
Lew Brown and Gene Williams, 1973
Busdriver*, 2007, 2006
Charles Wakefield Cadman, 1926, 1925, 1924
John Cage*, (1912-1992) 2005b, 1995, 1983, 1967, 1961, 1935, Footnote One
- Percussion Quartet, Santa Monica, Cage's Mother, 1967
Calirhoe, 1920
Thomas Campion (pub. 1603), 1957
- Composer, 1957
When Corinna To Her Lute Softly Sings, 1957
Chaminade, 1926, 1925, 1924, 1920
Chapi, Serenata Morisca, 1920
Chopin, 1926, 1925, 1924, 1921
- Ecossaises, Op. 72, No. 3, 1921
- Mazurka, Opus 67, No. 3, 1920
- Etude Op. No. 11, 1925, 1924
- Valse, No. 14, 1925, 1924
- Revolutionary Etude, 1926, 1925, 1924
Chou Wen-chung, 1995
George Clinton, 2005b
Henry Cowell, 1995
Ted Daffan Blue Steel Blues,, 1945, 1944, 1940s
Daedelus*, 2009, 2006, 2005, 2005b, 2004, 2003, 2001
- Daedelus, Does Dance, Edye Broad Performance Space, 7:30 p.m., 18 January 2009
Debussy, 1926, 1921
- Second Arabesque, 1926, 1921
- Danse Sacree , 1926
- Danse Profane, 1926
de Lachau, Waltz, 1926, 1925, 1924
Todd Dockstaeder, 2005b
Shane Endsley, 2007
John Ezmirlian,* 2008
Louis Ganne, 1921
- Music from Phryne, 1921
Gilbert and Sullivan's The Mikado, 1974, 1921
Give me a Ukulele (and a Ukulele Baby) and Leave the Rest to Me, Edison Record, the R side of Edison Record 51917-R, Male Voices National Male Quartet, Photo, 1973
Gluck, Orpheus, 1926, 1920
Godard, Adagio Pathetique, 1926, 1925, 1924
Granades, 1926, 1925, 1924, 1921
- The Dance of Theodora, Empress of Byzantium, 1921
- Danza Espanol, No. 5, 1925, 1924
- Spanish Suite: (a) Shawl Plastique; (b) Flamenco Dance; (c) Danza de quatro, (Granados), 1926
Granier,Valse Ballet, 1920
Grieg, Suite of Lyric Pieces, 1920
Charles T. Griffes, Ishtar of the Seven Gates, St. Denis, 1925, 1924
Homer Grunn Xochitl, 1926, 1925, 1924
Louis Horst: Piano-Conductor, 1925, 1924
- Spear Dance-Japonesque, 1925, 1924
Ilgenfritz, Scherzo Waltz, 1926, 1925, 1924
Charles Ives, 1967
Charles Jones, 1996, 1972
Kneebody Low Electrical Worker, Colortone-Media 7001, CD, 2007
Eastwood Lane, 1926, 1925, 1924, 1921
- Sleepy Hollow, 1921
- Crapshooter , 1926, 1925, 1924
- Around the Hall, 1926, 1925, 1924
- Gringo Tango, 1926, 1925, 1924
- Boston Fancy-1854, 1926, 1925, 1924
Liszt, 1926, 1925, 1924, 1921, 1920
- Liebestraum, 1926, 1925, 1924, 1920
- Etude in D Flat , 1921
- Premier Valse Oubliee, St. Denis, Buhlig, 1921
- At the Spring, 1926
The Long Lost The Long Lost, Ninja Tune ZenCD133, 2009
Alvin Lucier, 1995
Tommy Mack, 1947
Gustav Mahler, 1981
McDowell, 1995, 1896
MacDowell, 1921, 1920
- Concert Etude , 1920
- Rigaudon, 1921
Nate Morgan, 2005
Jim Morrison (The Doors?) 1979, 1960s
Moszkowski, Malaguena , 1925, 1924
Dent Mowrey. Danse Americaine, 1926, 1925, 1924
Jimmy Mulcay, 1947
Mildred Mulcay, 1947
Gordon Mumma, 1991, 1995
Maria Newman, 2004a
Boris Pillin, 1980
Pauline Oliveros*, 1995
Phthalocyanine, 2006, 2005b, 1999
Rachmaninoff, 1921, 1920
- Polichinelle, 1921
- Floods of Spring, 1920
Roy Ringwald, Composer and conductor, 1952
Biff Rose, Composer, Musician, Poet, 1971
Roth, The Legend of the Peacock, 1925, 1924
Pharoah Sanders, 2005b
- You've Gotta Have Freedom, 2005b
- ,Le Piège de Méduse, 1991, 1940s
- Gnossienne, 1921, 1920
Arnold Schoenberg, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1991, 1981, 1974, 1967 1950s, 1935, 1930s, 1908, Footnote One
- Composer, educator, 1974, 1950s, 1930s
- Opus II, 1991, 1930s
- Five Pieces for Orchestra , 1996,
- Structural harmony, 1991, 1930s
- Richard Buhlig, 1991, 1930s, Footnote One
First pianist to play Schoenberg's Opus II, 1991, 1930s
John Cage* studied with him (and Buhlig) at U.C.L.A. in the middle thirties, 1995, 1967, 1935
Schubert, Waltzes, 1926
Edward Schutt, Allegro Risoluto, from the Suite for Violin and Piano, Op. 44, 1926, 1925, 1924
Paul Seelig, Balinese Fantasy , 1925, 1924
Ramon Sender, 1995
Sindig. Allegresse, 1926
John Philip Sousa, 1926, 1925, 1924, 1921
Stcherbatcheff, Chouer Danse, 1926
R.S. Stoughton, 1926, 1925, 1924, 1921
- Dance of the Black and Gold Sari, 1926, 1925, 1924, 1921
- The Vision of the Aissoua. An Algerian Dance Drama, 1925, 1924
- The Spirit of the Sea, Ruth St. Denis, 1925, 1924
Edouard Strauss, 1926, 1925
Johann Strauss, 1926, 1925, 1924, 1920
- Legends From The Vienna Woods, 1920
- Voices of Spring, 1926, 1925, 1924
Josef Strauss, 1926, 1925
Igor Stravinsky, 1990, 1981, 1948, 1940s
Morton Subotnik, 1995
Suderberg, 1996,
Sun Ra, 2005b, 2004
- The Stars Are Singing Too, 2005b
Tarenghi, Ballerina Real, 1925, 1924
James Tenney, 1991, 1980s
- Composer, 1991, 1980s
Ernst Toch, 2004, 1998
- Austrian Jewish modernist composer, 2004, 1998
- Franklin St., Santa Monica, 2004, 1998
- maternal grandfather of Lawrence Weschler, 2004, 1998
David Tudor, 2005b, 1995
Edgar Varèse, 1995, 1990,
- Ionization was performed at a 1933 Hollywood Bowl concert which John Cage attended, 1995, 1933
Clifford Vaughan, 1926, 1925
- General Wu's Farewell to his Wife, 1926, 1925
- General Wu's Farewell to His Wife-A memory of Mei Lan Fang, 1926
- Sinhalese Devil Dance,Ted Shawn, 1926, 1925
- A Legend of Pelee, Hawaiian Volcano Goddess, 1926
- Invocation to the Buddha, 1926
- Momiji-Gari, 1926
- White Jade (Clifford Vaughan), 1926
- A Javanese Court Dancer, 1926
- Burma: A Yein Pwe, 1926
Verrall, 1996
Von Blon, Serenade d'Amour, 1926, 1925, 1924
Alfred Weisberg-Roberts* (Daedelus), 2005b, 2004, 2003
- Musician, 2421 Third St., 2004, 2003,
Adolph Weiss, 1967
- John Cage studied with him in the early thirties, 1967
Ben Wendel Simple Song, Sunnyside Records, SSC 1216, 2009
Professor Wilhartitz, 1947, 1894
Gene Williams, 1973
Harry Gregson Williams,* 2006, 2005, 2001
LaMonte Young, 1995
Mana Zucca, Valse Brillante, 1925, 1924
Computer, 2005b
- Daedelus*, 2005b
Exquisite Corpse, 2005, 2005b
Conductors, Music Directors, Orchestra Leaders, choirmasters, 2007, 2006, 2006a, 2005, 2005b, 1996, 1999, 1990, 1989, 1987, 1983, 1981,1980, 1979, 1978, 1976, 1975, 1974, 1972, 1951, 1946, 1945, 1944, 1940s, 1926, 1925, 1924, 1920s, 1917, 1914, 1910, 1905
- Herb Alpert, 1990, 1981
- Angelotti, 1980, 1910
- Arend, 1980, 1979, 1905
- Aaron Avshalomov, Conductor, composer, 1996
Composer, conductor, Shanghai, 1996
Grandfather of David Avshalomov*, 1996
David Avshalomov *(1946-), 2005, 2004, 1996
- Composer, Conductor, Educator, Singer, Project Manager, 2005, 1996
- Santa Monica Chamber Orchestra (1980-1989), 1996
Jacob Avshalomov, Conductor, composer, 1996
- Portland , OR, 1996
Bernstein, 1996
Leonard Bernstein, 2010, 2009
Blomstedt, 1996, 1972
Stanley Chapple, U. of Washington, 1996
Manfredi Chiaffarelli*, 1999
- The Venice-of-America Band, 1999
F. Melius Christiansen, musical director, 1925, 1924
- St. Olaf Lutheran Choir, 1925, 1924
Don Clark*, 1990, 1980, 1974, 1924, 1920s
George Clinton and Parliament, 2005, 1978
- "One Nation Under a Groove.", 2005, 1978
Spade Cooley*, 2006, 1994, 1990,
Creatore, 1914
Ted Daffin, 1945, 1944, 1940s
Tommy Dorsey, 1979, 1946
Ellery*'s Royal Italian Band, 2005b, 1905
Sam Feinberg, 1979, 1925, 1924,
Elinor Graham*, 2007, 1983
- Singer, Choral Director, Church in Ocean Park, 2007, 1983
Allen Robert Gross*, 2004a
- Conductor of the Santa Monica Chamber Philharmonia, the Santa Monica Symphony, the Caltech and Occidental College Orchestras, 2004a
Harry Hines' Orchestra, 1987, 1913
Louis Horst: Piano-Conductor, 1925, 1924
Henry Holt, Seattle Opera, 1996
Spike Jones, 2006, 2006a,
Art Kassel, 1979, 1925
Samuel Krachmalnick, 1996,
Professor Caesare La Monica, 1999, 1990, 1917, 1914
- Led the Venice-of-America Band, 1999, 1917
Lee Lewis, 1979, 1925, 1924,
Gustav Mahler, 1981
The Mann brothers, 1979, 1925, 1924
Morel, 1996, 1972
Leo Mueller, 1996
- Peabody Institute, 1996
Ozawa, 1996, 1978
Ben Pollack, 1979, 1925, 1924
George Redman, 1979, 1928
Roy Ringwald, Composer and conductor, 1952
Schuller, 1996, 1978
John Phillip Souza, 1976, 1921
Leopold Stokowski, 1990, 1948, 1939
Sun Ra , 2005b, 2004
Torkanowsky, 1996, 1972
Clifford Vaughan, 1926
Lawrence Welk, 1979, 1974, 1951, 1946
Paul Whiteman, 1990, 1925, 1924
Keith Williams, 1990, 1975
Nadine Conner, Metropolitan Opera Soloist, 1952
Ry Cooder, 1990, 1983
Spade Cooley*, 2006, 2005b, 1994, 1990, 1961, 1955, 1954, 1950, 1948, 1947, 1946, 1940s
- "King of Western Swing" and his country-western dance band, 1950, 1948, 1946
- Shame, Shame on You., 1994
George Copeland, 1921
- Seguidilla (Albeniz), 1921
Corker/Conboy, 2005b
Count Bass D, 2005b
Henry Cowell, 1991, 1930s
- Composer, 1991, 1930s
Creatore, 1914
Cut Chemist, 2006
Cyne, 2005, 2005b
Daedelus*, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2005b, 2004, 2003, 2001, 1999
Ted Daffan, 1945, 1944, 1940s
Ted Daffan and His Texans, 1945, 1944, 1940s
Ted Daffan's Texans, 1940s, 1930s
Danger Mouse, 2005
Laura Darling*, 2005b
- (See Lauradarling0
Alfred Darlington, 2007, 2006
Laura Darlington*, 2007, 2006
- Flute, vocals, 2007, 2006
David J, 2006
Miles Davis, 1979, 1970s
- Jazz trumpeter, 1979, 1970s
- Frank Rehak* played trombone on one of his albums, 1979, 1970s
Sammy Davis, 1990, 1950s
- Singer, Movie Actor
Death From Above 1979, 2005, 2005b
Debussy, 1926, 1921
- Second Arabesque, 1926, 1921
- Danse Sacree , 1926
- Danse Profane, 1926
de Lachau, Waltz, 1926, 1925, 1924
Vladislav Delay, (Sistol), 2006
Tommy DeNys, 2006
Beatrice de Troost, 1925, 1924
- Voice Musicianship Correct Diction, 1925, 1924
- Studios 706-707 Majestic Theatre Bldg., 1925, 1924
Taylor Deupree, 2003
Dimlite, 2006, 2005, 2005b
Divine Styler, 2005b, 2001
DJs, 2006, 2005b, 2002
- Daedelus*, 2006, 2005b, 2001
- Dntel, 2005b, 2002, 2001
- Frosty, 2005b
- Hoseh, 2006, 2005
- Languis, 2006
- Matmos, 2006,
- Carlos Niño, 2006, 2005b
- Nobody, 2005b, 2002,
- DJ Olivia , 2005, 2005b
- Barry Smolin, 2006, 2005
- Tommy D., 2006
Dntel, 2006, 2005b, 2004, 2002, 2001
- Jimmy Tamborello (Sebutones / Ninja Tune), 2005, 2004
(aka Postal Service; aka Sixtoo; aka Figurine), 2005
Todd Dockstaeder, 2005b
Domu, 2006
- (aka Umod), 2006
MF Doom, 2006, 2005, 2005b, 2004
- (with Madlib, aka Madvillian)
Tommy Dorsey Band, 1979, 1946
- The Casino Gardens, 1979, 1946
Jeremy Dower, 2005, 2005b
Hamid Drake, 2005b, 2004
Dr. Rek, 2005, 2005b
Drums, 2005b, 1990, 1983, 1979, 1970s, 1959, 1925, 1924
- Bill Boyle, 1959
drums, 1959
Mick Fleetwood, 1990, 1983
Lew Mallin*, 1979, 1970s
- Drummer and Synanon resident, 1979, 1970s
Ben Pollack, 1979, 1925, 1924
Nate Wood, 2005b
Dungen, 2006
Fred Dutton, 1957
- Bass, Bassoon, Contra-Bassoon, 1957
Greg Dykes*, 2001, 1961, 1960
- saxophonist, 2001, 1960
- Featured on the World Pacific Sound of Synanon, 2001, 1961
Ecolibrium, 1982
Clarence Eddy of New York, 1997, 1905
- Organist, 1997, 1905
edIT, 2005, 2005b
Eight Frozen Modules, 2005, 2005b
Ellay Khule, 2005, 2005b
Ellery*, 2005b, 1905
Ellery*'s Royal Italian Band, 2005b, 1905
Shane Endsley, (trumpet), 2007 2002
tim exile, 2005b
John Ezmirlion, 2008, 2007
- John Ezmirlian* In The Spirit of Christmas 2008, CD Collection of 22 Piano Arrangements and Original Compositions, Performed by John Ezmirlian, 2008
(310) 396-3992;
Thomas Fehlmann (The Orb), 2004,
Sam Feinberg, 1979, 1925, 1924
- Band Leader at the Venice Ballroom, 1979, 1925, 1924
Morton Feldman, 1991, 1950s
- Composer, 1991, 1950s
Allyn Ferguson*, 2004b, 1960, 1957
- Piano, Electronic Piano, French Horn, Percussion, 1957
Ella Fitzgerald, 1990, 1950s
Mick Fleetwood, 1990, 1983
The Flight Orchestra, 2005, 2005b
Flute, 1925, 1924,
Flying Lotus, 2006
Flying Lotus, 2006
Michael C. Ford*, 2006, 1971,
- Editor, Musician, Poet, The Mt. Alverno Review, 1971
Fred and Frieda Fox, 1990, 1950s, 1940s
- musicians, 1990, 1950s, 1940s
Bill Freeman, flamenco guitar, 2008
Freescha, 2005b, 2004
Fresh Juice, 1982
Frosty, 2006, 2005b, 2004. 2003
- Mark McNeill, 2006, 2005b, 2004, 2003, 1999
Louis Ganne, 1921
- Music from Phryne, 1921
Becky Garfield, 1990, 1950s, 1940s
- Vocalist with Spade Cooley, 1990, 1950s, 1940s
Benjamin Gibbard, (Death Cab for Cutie), 2006, 2003
- With Jimmy Tamborello, The Postal Service, 2006, 2003
Adelaide Gillis, 1997, 1900s
- student of the mandolin, 1997, 1900s
Gluck, Orpheus, 1926, 1920
Godard, Adagio Pathetique, 1926, 1925, 1924
Lauri D. Goldenhersh, 2007
- Mezzo-soprano, 2007
Benny Goodman, 1979, 1925,
- Art Kassel's Band, 1979, 1925
- Clarinet, 1979, 1925
- Ben Pollack and his Californians, 1979, 1925,
Katharine Goodson, 1921
- Second Arabesque, (Debussy), 1921
- Pasquinade, 1925, 1924
- A Creole Belle , 1926
Elinor Graham [ -2009],* 2009, 2007, 1983
- Singer, Choral Director, Church in Ocean Park, 2007, 1983
Granades, 1926, 1925, 1924, 1921
- The Dance of Theodora, Empress of Byzantium, 1921
- Danza Espanol, No. 5, 1925, 1924
- Spanish Suite: (a) Shawl Plastique; (b) Flamenco Dance; (c) Danza de quatro, 1926
Granier,Valse Ballet, 1920
Harry Greenberg, 1979, 1925, 1924
- Ben Pollack and his Californians, 1979, 1925, 1924
Mitch Greenhill*, 2008
a. greenman, 2005b
Grieg, Suite of Lyric Pieces, 1920
Charles T. Griffes, Ishtar of the Seven Gates, 1925, 1924
Johnny Griffin, 2001, 1962
- Jazz musician who recorded with Joe Pass* at Pacific Jazz studios, 2001, 1962
Allen Robert Gross*, 2004a
- Conductor of the Santa Monica Chamber Philharmonia, the Santa Monica Symphony, the Caltech and Occidental College Orchestras, 2004a
Guitarists, 2008, 2001, 1992, 1990, 1983, 1974, 1973, 1971
- Ry Cooder, 1990, 1983
- Bill Freeman, 2008
- Jack Hampton*, 1971
- Leo Kottke, 2001, 1992
Acoustic fingerstyle innovator, who played with Joe Pass* at the Guitar Summit, 2001, 1992
Paco Peña, 2001, 1992
- Flamenco master, who toured with Joe Pass* in the Guitar Summit, 2001, 1992
Joe Pass*, 2001, 1974, 1973
- Jazz guitarist, 2001
- Guitarist who recorded Trio on Pablo in 1973 with Peterson and Pedersen, and which won a Grammy in 1974, 2001
Pepe Romero, 2001, 1992
- Classical guitar virtuoso, who toured with Joe Pass* in the Guitar Summit 2001, 1992
Homer Grunn Xochitl, 1926, 1925, 1924
Charlie Haden, 1979, 1970s
- Bass player with Les McCann and Art Pepper*, 1979, 1970s
Jack Hampton*, 1971
- Guitarist; Beverly Hills booking agent; helped found the Peace and Freedom Party; California Peace and Freedom Party Candidate for the Treasury; Candidate for the Santa Monica City Council., The Mt. Alverno Review, 1971
Dent Hand, 2004b
- Trumpet player, 2004b, 1960s
Harp, 1925, 1924
Harp, 1925, 1924
Al Harris, 1979, 1925, 1924
- Ben Pollack and his Californians, 1979, 1925, 1924
Stephen Hartke, 2006
Jon Hassell, 2006
Haywood, 2005, 2005b
Headset, 2005b, 2004
Theodore Henrion, 1921
- Pianist, (Chopin), 1921
Scott Herren, 2005b, 2004, 2003
High Priest (Anti-Pop Consortium), 2005b, 2003, 2002,
Dale Hillary, 1959
- alto sax, 1959
Harry Hines' Orchestra, 1987, 1913
Hrishikesh Hirway, 2005, 2005b, 2004,
- aka The One A.M. Radio, 2005, 2004,
Richard "Groove" Holmes, 2001, 1962
- Jazz musician who recorded with Joe Pass* at Pacific Jazz studios, 2001, 1962
Henry Holt, Seattle Opera, 1996
- Piano-Conductor, 1925, 1924
- Spear Dance-Japonesque, 1925, 1924
Hu-Vibrational, 2005b, 2004
Hysterics, 2005, 2005b
Ilgenfritz, Scherzo Waltz, 1926, 1925, 1924
Instrumentalists, 2007, 1976, 1967, 1945, 1944
- Accordianist, 2004; bassists, 1979; congas, 1979; drummers, 1979, 1976; fiddler, 2004; organists, 1987, 1915; trumpet, trombone and piano soloists, 2004, 1995, 1979, 1967, 1924; Percussionists, 1976, 1967
- Denishawn Instrumental Quartet, 1925, 1924
Louis Horst: Piano-Conductor; George Palotay, violin; Ugo Bergamasco, flute; Gino Allessandri, 'Cello, 1925, 1924
Electric Guitar, 1945, 1944
Jnerio Jarel, 2005, 2005b
Tom Jenkins*, 2004a, Forward
- Former Fraser St. artist and musician, 2004a, Forward
Jermajesty, 2006
Jogger, 2005, 2005b
Charles Jones, 1996, 1972
Spike Jones Band, 2006, 2006a,
Art Kassel, 1979, 1925
- Art Kassel's Band, 1979, 1925
Carol Kaye, 2001, 1970
- Electric bassist, 2001, 1970
kid606, 2005b
Bob Kirk, 1982
Kneebody , 2008, 2007
- Low Electrical Worker, Colortone-Media 7001, CD, 2007
Les Konig (d. 1977) 1979, 1970s
- Jazz Player and Record Producer, 1979, 1970s
Larry Koonse (Guitar), 2005b,
Peter Kors*, 2008
Takehisa Kosugi, 1991,
- Musician with Merce Cunningham, 1991
Leo Kottke, 2001, 1992
- Acoustic fingerstyle innovator, who played with Joe Pass* at the Guitar Summit, 2001, 1992
Samuel Krachmalnick, 1996,
K-rAd, 2005b , 2004
Carrie Donaldson Kraft, 1925, 1924
- Dramatic Soprano, 1925, 1924
Kutmah, 2006
Kay Kyser, 2003, 1947, 1940s
Labwaste, 2005, 2005b
- Adlib and Subtitle, 2005
lackluster, 2005b, 2004
Mike Ladd, 2005, 2005b
Lady Dragon, 2004,
Frankie Laine, 1990, 1950s
Cesare La Monica, 1999, 1917
- Led the Venice-of-America Band, 1999, 1917
Professor Caesare La Monica, 1999, 1990, 1917, 1914
- Led the Venice-of-America Band, 1999, 1917
Charlotte Lancaster, 1982
Eastwood Lane, 1926, 1925, 1924, 1921
- Sleepy Hollow, 1921
- Crapshooter , 1926, 1925, 1924
- Around the Hall, 1926, 1925, 1924
- Gringo Tango, 1926, 1925, 1924,
- Boston Fancy-1854, 1926, 1925, 1924
Languis, 2006, 2004
Languis and Fer Chloca,, 2005b, 2001
Lauradarling*, 2006, 2005, 2005b, 2004
Ronnie Laws, 2005b, 2004
Fran Leal, 1957
- Alto, Saxophone, Bass Clarinet, 1957
Leo 123, 2006
Lee Lewis, 1979, 1925, 1924,
- the son of a former Venetian trustee, 1979, 1925, 1924,
- a dance band, which played at the Venice Ballroom, 1979, 1925, 1924,
Lil Sci, 2005b , 2004
Eloit Lipp, 2006
Liszt, 1926, 1925, 1924, 1921, 1920
- Liebestraum, 1926, 1925, 1924, 1920
- Etude in D Flat , 1921
- Premier Valse Oubliee, St. Denis, Buhlig, 1921
- At the Spring, 1926
Fud Livingston, 1979, 1925, 1924
- Ben Pollack and his Californians, 1979, 1925, 1924
The Long Lost,* 2009, 2006, 2005b
The Long Lost The Long Lost, Ninja Tune ZenCD133, 2009
The Long Lost, Dakota Lounge, 1026 Wilshire Blvd., 9 p.m., 15 January 2009
he Long Lost, 2010
- Complete the filming of the song Colors, 2010
Lou Loranger*, 1979, 1970s
- Bass player and Synanon resident, 1979, 1970s
The Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra, 1952
Lullatone, 2005b, 2004
MacDowell, 1921, 1920
- Concert Etude , 1920
- Rigaudon, 1921
machinedrum, 2005b, 2004,
Tommy Mack, 1947
Madlib (Stones Throw), 2005, 2005b, 2004, 2002, 2001
- (with M.F. Doom, aka Madvillian)
Mae-shi, 2005, 2005b
Gustav Mahler, 1981
Lew Mallin*, 1979, 1970s
- Drummer and Synanon resident, 1979, 1970s
Mandolin , 1997, 1900s
- Adelaide Gillis' mandolin teacher, 1997, 1900s
The Mann brothers, 1997, 1925, 1924
- Band Leaders at the Venice Ballroom, 1979, 1925, 1924
Michael Mann, 1981, 1950s
Mannequin Lung, 2005b, 2001
Ray Manzarek*, 2001,
- Author, Musician, The Doors, 2001
Robina Mapstone, Verdi Choir, 2007
Laura Martin, Vocalist, 2006
Mariachis, 2004b, 1960s
Stephan Mathieu, 2003
Martinelli, 1952
- Recording Artist played by Rodia, 1952
Matmos, 2006
Les McCann, 2001, 1979, 1970s, 1962
- Jazz Player with Charlie Haden and Art Pepper
- Jazz musician who recorded with Joe Pass* at Pacific Jazz studios, 2001, 1962
Mark "Frosty" McNeill,, 2006,2005b
MCs, 2005b, 2003, 2001
MC's, DJs, Rappers, 2007, 2005, 2005b, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001
- (See Singers)
- Abstract Rude, 2005b, 2002
- Blu Jemz, 2005b
- Bus Driver, 2007, 2005, 2005b, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001,
- Count Bass D, 2005b
- Daedelus*, 2006, 2005b 2003
- Frosty
- Ellay Khule, 2005,
- Laurlingdarling*, 2006, 2005, 2005b, 2004
- Mikah-9 (Freestyle Fellowship), 2005,
- Carlos Niño, 2006, 2005, 2005b, 2004, 2002
- Nobody, 2006, 2005, 2005b
- Pigeon John, 2005b, 2003
- RadioInacitive, 2005b, 2003
- Sacajewa, 2005b, 2003
- Sach, 2005b , 2004, 2001
- J.Todd*, 2005a
- Mia Doi Todd, 2006, 2005b, 2001,
- Dwight Trible, 2005, 2005b, 2004
- 2Mex, 2005, 2005b , 2003, 2001,
- Saul Williams, 2005b, 2003
Marty Meade*, 1979, 1970s
- Composer, pianist, Synanon member, 1979, 1974
Meanest Man Contest, 2005b
Yaltah Menuhin, 1981, 1950s
Julie Meredith, 1979, 1950s
- Folk Singer, 1979, 1950s
Metalogic, 2004
Mendel Meyer, 1997, 1890s, 1880s
- Violinist and saloon-keeper, 1997, 1890s, 1880s
- (known from San Francisco to Tombstone) maintained salons and saloons in Santa Monica and the Canyon in the eighties and nineties, 1997
Ed Michel, 1979, 1970s, 1959
- Bass Player and Record Producer, 1979, 1970s, 1959
Mikah-9 ( Freestyle Fellowship), 2005, 2005b
Darius Milhaud, 1990, 1946
Glenn Miller, 1979, 1925,
- Trombone, 1979, 1925
- Ben Pollack and his Californians, 1979, 1925, 1924
Milosh, 2006, 2005b
Mini Repertoire. 2005, 2005b
Chad Misner, 2006
José Mojica, 1997, 1936, 1933
- Tenor, 1997, 1936, 1933
Morel, 1996, 1972
Dick Morgan, 1979, 1925, 1924
- Ben Pollack and his Californians, 1979, 1925, 1924
Nate Morgan, 2005, 2005b
Barbara Morrison, 2004
James Douglas (Jim) Morrsion, 2001, 1997, 1979, 1971, 1968, 1960s,
- The New Creatures, Simon & Shuster: NY, 1969
- The Doors, Author, Filmmaker,, vocalist, pop-music performer, poet, 1971
Moszkowski, Malaguena , 1925, 1924
Dent Mowrey, Danse Americaine, 1926, 1925, 1924
Mozart, 2004, 1998
- Opera staged by David Hockney, 2004, 1998
- The Magic Flute, 2004, 1998
Leo Mueller, Peabody Institute, 1996
Jimmy Mulcay, 1947
Mildred Mulcay, 1947
J. Georgia Anne Muldrow, 2006, 2005, 2005b
Gordon Mumma, 1991, 1960s
- ONCE Composer and musician with Merce Cunningham, 1991, 1960s
David Murray* (Estradasphere) 2005b, 2002
- (Drums), 2005b, 2002
Music of the Masters concert series, 1952
The National, 2005. 2005b
Alan Neil, 1959
- piano and liner notes, Patchen Reads to Jazz, 1959
N.E.R.D. 2004
New West Brass Ensemble, 1987
Carlos Niño, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2005b, 2004, 2002
Nobody, 2006, 2005, 2005b, 2002
Non-Genetic, 2004
Nowhereman, 2005b, 2001
Ocean Park Irregulars, 1982
Ocean Park Jazz Quintet, 1982
Darek Oles (Bass), 2005b,
DJ Olivia, 2005, 2005b
Omid, 2005, 2005b, 2004, 2003
The One A.M. Radio, 2005, 2005b, 2004,
- Hrishikesh Hirway, 2005, 2004
Roy Orbison, Singer, 1996
Organists, 1979, 1905
- Clarence Eddy of New York, 1997, 1905
Organs, 1979, 1905
- Venice Auditorium Organ, "capable of playing the "bird chorus.", 1979, 1905
Tex Owens, 1990, 1950s
Ozawa, 1996, 1978
Ozomatli, 2006
Joe Pass*, 2001, 1974, 1973
- Jazz guitarist, 2001
- Guitarist who recorded Trio on Pablo in 1973 with Peterson and Pedersen, and which won a Grammy in 1974, 2001
Peach Pickers, 1940s
Peanut Butter Wolf, 2009
Niels Henning Orsted Pedersen (-2005) 2001, 1973
- Bassist who recorded Trio on Pablo in 1973 with Peterson and Pass*, and which won a Grammy in 1974, 2001
Paco Peña, 2001, 1992
- Flamenco master, who toured with Joe Pass* in the Guitar Summit, 2001, 1992
Art Pepper*, 1994, 1979, 1970s, 1969,
- Jazz player, 1979, 1970s, 1969, 1994
- Synanon resident, 1971-1969
Musicians who played with Art Pepper*, 1979, 1994
- Benny Carter's band, for five years (1946-1951),
- The Stan Kenton orchestra, 1979, 1951-1956
- In 1956, he began appearing on numerous sessions led by Shorty Rogers, Chet Baker, Marty Paich, Hoagy Carmichael, John Grass, Mel Torme, Barney Kessel, June Christy, Henry Mancini, Andre Previn, Helen Humes, and others., 1979
- During the same years, 1956 to 1960, he recorded with Les Koenig's Contemporary Records, and produced a series of albums, 1979
Percussion, Percussionists, 2007, 2005b, 2004, 1996, 1991, 1979, 1970s
Conga player and Synanon resident, 1979, 1970s
Lawrence Mace*, 1994
David Murray*, 2005b, 2002
Michael Pugliese, 1991
- Percussionist with Merce Cunningham, 1991
Gira Sarabhai, 1991,
- Indian singer and tabla player, 1991
Oscar Peterson, 2001, 1973
- pianist who recorded Trio in 1973 with Pass and Pedersen, and which won a Grammy in 1974, 2001
Phthalocyanine, 2006, 2005, 2005b 1999
- Composer, producer, 2006, 2005, 2005b, 1999
Pianists, 2007, 2004b, 2001, 1996, 1991, 1990, 1981, 1979, 1974, 1973, 1970, 1970s, 1960, 1959, 1957, 1950s, 1930s, 1926. 1925, 1924,1921, 1920, 1817, Footnote One
First pianist to play Schoenberg's Opus II, 1991, 1930s
Premier Valse Oubliee (Liszt), St. Denis, 1921
George Copeland, 1921
- Seguidilla (Albeniz), 1921
John Ezmirlion, 2008, 2007
Allyn Ferguson*, 2004b, 1960, 1957
- Piano, Electronic Piano, French Horn, Percussion, 1957
Katharine Goodson, 1921
- Second Arabesque, (Debussy), 1921
Theodore Henrion, 1921
- Pianist, (Chopin), 1921
Louis Horst: Piano-Conductor, 1925, 1924
Robert McDonald, 1996
Marty Meade*, 1979, 1974, 1970s
- Composer, pianist, Synanon member, 1979, 1974
Yaltah Menuhin, 1981, 1950s
Rafael Navas, 1921
Alan Neil, 1959
- Piano and liner notes, Patchen Reads to Jazz, 1959
Oscar Peterson, 2001, 1973
- Pianist who recorded Trio in 1973 with Pass and Pedersen, and which won a Grammy in 1974, 2001
Pamela Pyle, 1996
Joe Sample, 2001, 1970
- Pianist, 2001, 1970
Greg Schreiner, 2007
Olga Steeb, Rigaudon (MacDowell), 1921
Ann Thompson, 1921, 1920
- Piano Solo, Concert Etude [MacDowell], 1920
- Polichinelle (Rachmaninoff), 1921
- Sleepy Hollow (Eastwood Lane), 1921
- Etude in D Flat (Liszt), 1921
Clifford Vaughan, 1926
Piano Overlord, 2005b
- Scott Herren, 2005b
Pigeon John, 2005b, 2003
Esther Auten Pine, violin, 1925, 1924
Platinum Pied Pipers, 2005b
- Waajeed, 2005b
Ben Pollack, 1979, 1925, 1924
- Drummer, band leader, 1979, 1925, 1924
- Ben Pollack and his Californians, 1979, 1925, 1924
Poly, 2006
Postal Service, 2005, 2004
- Benjamin Gibbard, (Death Cab for Cutie) and Jimmy Tamborello, 2006, 2003
Jason Potratz, 2005b
Prefuse 73, 2005, 2005b, 2004, 2003
- aka Piano Overlord (Scott Herren), 2005b
The Presets, 2005
Priest (Anti Pop Consortium), 2004
Project Blowed, 2005b, 2003, 2002
- Absract Rude (Project Blowed), 2005b, 2003, 2002
- Busdriver (Project Blowed), 2005b, 2003, 2002, 2001
- Ellay Khule, 2005, 2005b
- 2Mex (Project Blowed), 2005, 2005b , 2003, 2001,
Michael Pugliese, 1991
- Percussionist with Merce Cunningham, 1991
Rachmaninoff, 1921, 1920
- Floods of Spring, 1920
- Polichinelle, 1921
RadioInacitive, 2005b, 2003
Rah, 2005
- a.k.a. Mitcho (Pepe California), 2005
Phil Ranelin (Vibes From The Tribe), 2005, 2004
Ras G, 2006
Kaveh Rastegar( bass), 2005b, 2002
George Redman, 1979, 1928
Frank Rehak*, 1979, 1970s
- Trombone player on a Miles [Davis] recording; Synanon member, 1979, 1970s.
rekid, 2005b
Reminder, 2006
Tom Reynolds, 1957
- Drums, Tympani, 1957
Ellis Rhodes, 1920
- Tenor, 1920
Rhodes, 2005b
- Adam Benjamin, 2005b
Roy Ringwald, Composer and conductor, 1952
The Rip-off Artist, 2003
A. J. Rocc, (Beat Junkies), 2005, 2005b
Rocmon, 2004
Roy Rogers, 2005b, 1990 , 1950s,1940s, 1930s
- Actor, Singer, Spade Cooley mentor, 2005b, 1940
Gil Rodin, 1979, 1925, 1924
- Ben Pollack and his Californians, 1979, 1925, 1924
Pepe Romero, 2001, 1992
- Classical guitar virtuoso, who toured with Joe Pass* in the Guitar Summit 2001, 1992
Roots Manuva, 2005, 2005b
Biff Rose, 1971
- Composer, Musician, Poet, 1971
Arnold Ross*, 2001, 1960
- Piano player who convinced Joe Pass to join Synanon, 2001, 1960
Roth, The Legend of the Peacock, 1925, 1924
- Violinist, 1925, 1924
Adam Rudolph* (Percussion), 2005, 2005b, 2004, 2001
Sach, 2006, 2005, 2005b, 2004, 2003
Sacajewa, 2005b, 2003
Milan Salka, 1982
Salvo Beta, 2004
Joe Sample, 2001, 1970
- Pianist, 2001, 1970
Ed Sanders, 1997, 1968
Pharoah Sanders, 2005b, 2004,
Santa Monica Chamber Orchestra, 1982
Sa-Ra, 2006, 2005, 2005b, 2004
Gira Sarabhai, 1991,
- Indian singer and tabla player, 1991
Erik Satie, 1991, 1940s, 1921, 1920
- Composer, 1991, 1940s
Le Piège de Méduse, 1991, 1940s
Gnossienne, 1921, 1920
Savath & Savalas, 2005b
Saxophones, 2007, 2005b, 2004b, 2001, 1994, 1979, 1970, 1970s, 1969, 1961, 1960, 1959, 1957
baritone sax with the Chamber Jazz Sextet, 2004b, 1957
Tenor and Baritone Saxophones, Clarinet, 1957
Joe Distefano, 2005
Greg Dykes*, 2001, 1961, 1960
- saxophonist, 2001, 1960
- Featured on the World Pacific Sound of Synanon, 2001, 1961
Dale Hillary, 1959
- alto sax, 1959
Fran Leal, 1957
- Alto Saxophone, Bass Clarinet, 1957
Art Pepper*, 1994, 1979, 1970s, 1969,
Tom Scott, 2001, 1970
- saxophonist, 2001, 1970
Ben Wendel,* 2009, 2007, 2005b
Saxophones, 2009
Tenor saxophone player, black and Synanon resident, 1979, 1970s
Phil Woods, 1979, 1970s
- Jazz Alto sax player, 1979, 1970s
Arnold Schoenberg, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1991, 1981, 1974, 1967 1950s, 1935, 1930s, 1908, Footnote One
- Composer, educator, 1974, 1950s, 1930s
- Opus II, 1991, 1930s
- Five Pieces for Orchestra , 1996,
- Structural harmony, 1991, 1930s
- Richard Buhlig, 1991, 1930s
First pianist to play Schoenberg's Opus II, 1991, 1930s
John Cage* studied with him (and Buhlig) at U.C.L.A. in the middle thirties, 1995, 1967, 1935
According to Alma Mahler-Werfel, Thomas Mann used Theodore Adorno to fictionalize Arnold Schoenberg in Dr. Faustus, 1981
Jeremy Schoenberg, 2009, 2007
- Tenor, 2007
Greg Schreiner, 2007
- Pianist, 2007
Schubert, Waltzes, 1926
Schuller, 1996, 1978
Madame Schumann-Heink, 1925, 1924
- The world renowned contralto, 1925, 1924
Edward Schutt, 1926, 1925, 1924
Sci, 2005, 2005b
Tom Scott, 2001, 1970
- saxophonist, 2001, 1970
secondo, 2005b
Charles Seeger, 1990,
Paul Seelig, Balinese Fantasy , 1925, 1924
Seems So Bright, 2005, 2005b
Bud Shank, 2001, 1962
- Jazz musician who recorded with Joe Pass at Pacific Jazz studios, 2001, 1962
Jon Sheffield, 2004
Shush Shush, 2005
Frank Sinatra, 1990, 1950
Sindig. Allegresse, 1926
Singers, choristers, vocalists, Singers/Rappers/ MCs / Vocalists, 2009, 2007, 2006, 2005a, 2005b, 2003, 1997, 1996, 1991, 1990, 1983, 1979, 1976, 1974, 1970s, 1967, 1960s, 1952, 1950, 1950s, 1936, 1933, 1925, 1924, 1921, 1920, 1905
Caroline Nelms, 2010, 2009
- Communitas Award vocalist for Ken Genser, 2010, 1009
- Sang "Make Our Garden Grow" from Leonard Bernstein's operetta, Candide, 2009
Vocalists, 2010, 2009
- Caroline Nelms, 2010, 2009
Communitas Award vocalist for Ken Genser, 2010, 1009
Sang "Make Our Garden Grow" from Leonard Bernstein's operetta, Candide, 2009
- Abstract Rude, 2005b, 2002
- David Avshalomov*, bass (1946-) , 2007, 2006, 1996, 1970s
- Doris Avshalomov, 2004
Poet, former teacher, and singer, 2004
Joan Baez*, 1990, 1960s
Genevra Bishop, 1979, 1905
Blu Jemz, 2005b
Rene Burkett, Soprano, 2007
Busdriver, MC, rapper, 2007, 2005, 2005b, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001,
Caruso, 1952
- Tenor whose records were heard by S. Rodia, 1952
- Suzanne, 1997, 1968
Nadine Conner, Metropolitan Opera Soloist, 1952
Count Bass D, 2005b
Daedelus*, 2007, 2006, 2005b 2003
Laura Darling*, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2005b, 2004
Alfred Darlington*, 2007, 2006
Laura Darlington*, 2007. 2006
Beatrice de Troost, 1925, 1924
- Voice Musicianship Correct Diction, 1925, 1924
- Studios 706-707 Majestic Theatre Bldg., 1925, 1924
Lauri D. Goldenhersh, Mezzo-soprano, 2007
Gondoliers, 1976
Elinor Graham [ -2009],* 2009, 2007, 1983
- Singer, Choral Director, Church in Ocean Park, 2007, 1983
Pigeon John, 2005b, 2003
Carrie Donaldson Kraft, 1925, 1924
- Dramatic Soprano, 1925, 1924
Carol Laughner and the La Monica Ballroom Orchestra, 1990 , 1925
- 1925-1926 winter session distinguished itself in that all the members could sing like a glee club, 1990, 1925
The Lennon Sisters, 1979
Pam Maloney, 2009
Robina Mapstone,* Verdi Choir, 2007
Laura Martin, 2006
Martinelli, 1952
- Recording Artist heard by S. Rodia, 1952
Christine McVie, 1990, 1983
Julie Meredith, 1979, 1950s
José Mojica, 1997, 1936, 1933
- Tenor, 1997, 1936, 1933
Barbara Morrison, 2004
James Douglas (Jim) Morrison (The Doors?) 1979, 1971, 1960s
RadioInacitive, 2005b, 2003
Ellis Rhodes, Tenor, 1920
Sacajewa, 2005b, 2003
Sach, 2005b , 2004
Gira Sarabhai, 1991,
- Indian singer and tabla player, 1991
Jeremy Schoenberg, Tenor, 2007
Madame Schumann-Heink, 1925, 1924
- Contralto, 1925, 1924
Frank Sinatra, 1990, 1950
Sons of the Pioneers, 1990, 1950s
Jo Stafford, 1990, 1950s
Lawence Tibbett, 1997, 1974, 1921
J.(Jo) Todd*, Spoken word/vocals, 2008. 2007, 2005a
Mia Doi Todd, 2006, 2005b, 2001,
Dwight Trible, 2005, 2005b, 2004
2Mex, 2005, 2005b , 2003, 2001, 2005b
Alfred Weisberg-Roberts, 2006
Saul Williams, 2005b, 2003
Sydney Wrightson, 1979, 1905
Singers/Rappers/MCs / Vocalists 2006, 2005b, 2003
- (See Singers)
Sixtoo, 2005, 2005b
Skull Valley, 2005b, 2001
- Jimmy Tamborello (Sebutones / Ninja Tune), 2005
(aka Postal Service; aka Dntel), 2005
Slowman, 2005
Sons of the Pioneers, 1990, 1950s
Soulo, 2005b
John Philip Sousa, 1976, 1926, 1925, 1924, 1921
The Southern California Band and Orchestra Festival, 1952
Soylent Green, 2004
Jo Stafford, 1990, 1950s
Becky Stark, 2006
Stars As Eyes, 2004
Stcherbatcheff, Chouer Danse, 1926
Olga Steeb, Rigaudon (MacDowell), 1921
Stiffed, 2005, 2005b
Stratageme, 2005, 2005b
Leopold Stokowski, 1990, 1948, 1939
R.S. Stoughton, 1926, 1925, 1924, 1921
- Dance of the Black and Gold Sari, 1926, 1925, 1924, 1921
- The Vision of the Aissoua. An Algerian Dance Drama, 1925, 1924
- The Spirit of the Sea, Ruth St. Denis, 1925, 1924
Edouard Strauss, 1926, 1925
Johann Strauss, 1926, 1925, 1924, 1920
- Legends From The Vienna Woods, 1920
- Voices of Spring, 1926, 1925, 1924
Josef Strauss, 1926, 1925
Igor Stravinsky, 1990, 1981, 1948, 1940s
The Subjects, 2005, 2005b
Subtitle, 2005, 2005b, 2004
- With Adlib, Labwaste, 2005
Subtle, 2005, 2005b
Suderberg, 1996,
Sun Ra , 2005b, 2004
The Sun Ra Arkestra, 2006, 2005, 2005b
Sutekh, 2005b, 2003
The Symphonies by the Sea, 1952
- Jointly sponsored by the Santa Monica Board of Education and the City of Santa Monica, with the first of each annual series of concerts being presented by the schools in Barnum Hall, 1952
Jimmy Tamborello (Sebutones / Ninja Tune), 2006, 2005, 2005b, 2004
- (Dntel, The Postal Service), 2004
- (aka Postal Service; aka Dntel; aka Sixtoo; aka Figurine) 2006, 2005
Tarenghi, Ballerina Real, 1925, 1924
Theresa Tate, 1982
John Tejada, 2005, 2005b, 2004, 2001
The Temple Silver Band, 1935, 1920s
Ten Eleven, 2005, 2005b
James Tenney, 1991, 1980s
- Composer, 1991, 1980s
Wade Thomas, 1952, 1951
- Coordinator of Music, Santa Monica City Schools, 1952, 1951
Ann Thompson, 1921, 1920
- Piano Solo, Concert Etude (MacDowell), 1920
- Polichinelle (Rachmaninoff), 1921
- Sleepy Hollow (Eastwood Lane), 1921
- Etude in D Flat (Liszt), 1921
Virgil Thomson, 1991, 1940s
- Music Critic and Composer, 1991, 1940s
Lawrence Tibbett*, 1997, 1974, 1921
- Metropolitan Opera tenor, 1997
The Timeout Drawer, 2004
Timpanist, 1996, 1995, 1970s, 1940s
- David Avshalomov* (1946-)1996, 1970s
- Larry Mace, 1995, 1940s
Cal Tjader, 1979, 1970s
- Jazz muscian, 1979, 1994
Ernst Toch, 2004, 1998
- Austrian Jewish modernist composer, 2004, 1998
- Franklin St., Santa Monica, 2004, 1998
- Maternal grandfather of Lawrence Weschler, 2004, 1998
Mia Doi Todd, 2006, 2005b, 2001,
J.Todd,* 2009, 2008, 2007, 2005a
- Spoken word/vocals, 2008, 2007
Tommy D., 2006
Torkanowsky, 1996, 1972
Dwight Trible, 2005, 2005b , 2004
Trombone , 1979, 1925
- Glenn Miller, 1979, 1925
Trumpet, 1990, 1981
- Herb Albert [Alpert?], 1990, 1981
TTC, 2005, 2005b
David Tudor, 2005b, 1991, 1950s. 1940s,
- The pianist, performer and composer, with Merce Cunningham, 1991, 1950s, 1940s
2Mex (Project Blowed), 2005, 2005b, 2003, 2001, 2005b
Edgard Varèse, 1991, 1990,
- Composer, 1991
Clifford Vaughan, 1926, 1925
- General Wu's Farewell to his Wife, 1926, 1925
- General Wu's Farewell to His Wife-A memory of Mei Lan Fang, 1926
- Sinhalese Devil Dance,Ted Shawn, 1926, 1925
- A Legend of Pelee, Hawaiian Volcano Goddess, 1926
- Invocation to the Buddha, 1926
- Momiji-Gari, 1926
- White Jade (Clifford Vaughan), 1926
- A Javanese Court Dancer, 1926
- Burma: A Yein Pwe, 1926
Venice Children's Chorus, 1979, 1905
- Hail Columbia, 1979, 1905
- Battle Hymn of the Republic, 1979, 1905
The Venetian Lady Mandolin Orchestra, 1979, 1896
Venetian Snares, 2005b
The Verdi Choir, 2007
Verdi Choir, 2007
- Robina Mapstone, 2007
Verrall, 1996
Leroy Vinegar, 2001, 1962
- Jazz musician who recorded with Joe Pass at Pacific Jazz studios, 2001, 1962
Violins, 1997, 1925, 1924, 1890s, 1880s
- Mendel Meyer, 1997, 1890s, 1880s
Violinist and saloon-keeper, 1997, 1890s, 1880s
Esther Auten Pine, violin, 1925, 1924
Violist, 1996
- Daniel Avshalomov, 1996
Virtuosi, 1991, 1940s
- Robert Fizdale, 1991, 1940s
- Arthur Gold, 1991, 1940s
Vocalists/Singers/Rappers/MCs 2006,2005a, 2005b, 2004, 2003, 2002,
- (See Singers)
Caroline Nelms, 2010, 2009
- Communitas Award vocalist for Ken Genser, 2010, 1009
- Sang "Make Our Garden Grow" from Leonard Bernstein's operetta, Candide, 2009
Vocalists, 2010, 2009
- Caroline Nelms, 2010, 2009
Communitas Award vocalist for Ken Genser, 2010, 1009
Sang "Make Our Garden Grow" from Leonard Bernstein's operetta, Candide, 2009
Von Blon, Serenade d'Amour, 1926, 1925, 1924
Waajeed, 2005b
Alfred Weisberg-Roberts,* 2006, 2005b, 2004, 2003
- (aka Alfred Darlington; Daedelus; Daedelusdarling)
- (With Lauradarling, The Long Lost; with DJ Frosty, Adventure Time)
- (See Alfred Darlington, 2007, 2005)
Adolph Weiss, 1991, 1930s
- Composer, 1991, 1930s
Lawrence Welk, 1979, 1974, 1951, 1946
- Musician, Orchestra leader, real estate developer, 1974
Lawrence Welk's Orchestra, 1979, 1951, 1946
Ben Wendel,* 2009, 2007, 2005b, 2004, 2002, 2001
- Bassoon, Flute, Rhodes, Saxophone, 2005b, 2004, 2002
- See Kneebody, Wendel
Wendell*, 1979, 1970s
- Tenor saxophone player, black and Synanon resident, 1979, 1970s
Gerald Wenzel, 2005
Michael White, The Blessing Song, 2005, 2004
Professor Wilhartitz, 1947, 1894
- Musician, composer, 1947, 1894
- La Fiesta Los Angeles Greeting Song, (to the tune of America), 1947, 1894
- Member, Los Angeles Merchant Association, 1947, 1894, 1893
- Chair, The Music Committee of La Fiesta Los Angeles, 1947, 1894
Harry Gregson Williams*, 2006, 2005, 2001
Paul Whiteman, 1990, 1925, 1924
Keith Williams, 1990, 1975
Tex Williams, 1990, 1950s
Saul Williams, 2005b, 2003
Bob Wills, 2005b, 1940s
Bob Wills and the Texas Playboys, 2005b, 1940s
Robert Wilson, 2004b, 1957, 1950s
- Trumpet player with the Chamber Jazz Sextet, 2004b, 1950s
- Trumpet, Percussion, 1957
The Wind-Up Bird , 2005b
- (Music Fellowship/Translucence), 2005b
Winter Flowers, 2006
Nat Wood (Drums), 2005b, 2002, 2001
Phil Woods, 1979, 1970s
- Jazz Alto sax player, 1979, 1970s
1982 Woof Tones,* 1982
- Cindy Cotton,* 1982
- Barton Gawboy,* 1982
- Eddie Glickman,* 1982
- Eileen Jennis,* 1982
- Lynn Levine,* 1982
- Kathy Smith,* 1982
Sydney Wrightson, 1979, 1905
- Singer, 1979, 1905
Wurlitzer band organ, 1990, 1947
- that played from punched rolls of carousel music, 1990, 1947
Yesterday's New Quintet, 2005b, 2004, 2002, 2001
The Young Jazz Rebels, 2006
Paris Zax, 2005, 2005b
Mana Zucca, Valse Brillante, 1925, 1924
The Music Never Stops, KPFK 90.7 FM 2006, 2005b
Musicologists, 1990, 1981
- Dane Harwood*
- Mantle Hood,
- Charles Seeger,* 1990,
- Robert Sheff (Blue Gene Tyranny)
- Theodor Adorno (Wisengrund-Adorno), 1981, 1950s
Author, philosopher, educator, 1981
Music, Noise, Sound, Usage, 1979, 1976, 1925, 1924, 1923
- Ambient noise,
- Bands and calliope music to drown out political opposition, 1979, 1976
- Celebration
- Cell phones
- Cinematic Ambiernce and Sound Effects, Folly Artists,
- Dance Music Ben Pollack and his Californians, 1979, 1925, 1924
- siren blasts and whistles to celebrate election victory, 1923
- Historical gravitas
Music Reviews, 2007
- Making Great Melodies, performance Santa Monica Daily Press, 6, 61, Tuesday, January 23, 2007, p .5
Music For Robots Records, 2005, 2005b
- Music For Robots vol. 1, Music for Robots LP, CD comp 2005, 2005b
Music For Robots vol. 1, Music for Robots LP, CD comp 2005, 2005b
- Ten Eleven- A Watched Pot; Stiffed-A Day With Andrew; Mini Repertoire vs. Deadelus remix feat. Busdriver-Cat Whiskers; Stratageme-Mrs. Rational; Bumblebeez81-Cowboy Song;; Death From Above 1979-Little Girl (MSTRKRFT Remix); Seems So Bright -Numbers; David Brusie -Understood; Hysterics -Potato Famine; Subtle -I heart LA two; Mae-shi -Potential; Haywood -Mermaid; The Subjects-Saginaw; The National-High Beam; APSCI (feat. Mr. Lif)-See That; Avenue D-Just Keep Dancing; The Presets-Truth & Lies; Shush Shush-How to Lie; Bluffs-Euro Girl 2005b
Music, Music Schools, 1952, 1951
- (See Music Curriculum)
- Eastman
- Elementary, Intermediate, Junior, High Schools, Junior and Community College, 1952, 1900
- Wade Thomas, 1952, 1951
- Santa Monica City School Supervisor of Music, June 7, 1951; Santa Monica,, California, 1952, 1951
- University of Southern California
Music Venues, Clubs, Nightclubs, Bars, Joints, Performance Spaces, Venues, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2005b, 2003, 2002, 2001, 1997, 1974, 1968, 1950s, 1945, 1944, 1940s, 1925, 1924, 1905
Musical Venues, 2009
- Main St., Santa Monica, CA, 2008
- Daniel Recital Hall, CSU Long Beach, 2009
- Saint Augustine's by the Sea, Fourth St., 2007,
- Aeolian Hall, 1925, 1924
Amoeba Records, Los Angeles, August 2002, 2005b
The Avalon, 1997, 1968
- San Francisco Rock Venue at which the Fugs played, 1997, 1968
- Jim Morrison of the Doors was back stage, 1997, 1968
Bigfoot Lounge, 2006, 2003
- Los Feliz, Los Angeles, 2006, 2003
Edye Broad Performance Space, 7:30 p.m., 18 January 2009
- Daedelus, Does Dance, Edye Broad Performance Space, 7:30 p.m., 18 January 2009
Cheetah, 1997, 1968
- Rock Venue,Venice which the Fugs played, 1997, 1968
- Gnads, Alice Cooper, Doors
The Church in Ocean Park, Hill St., 2007. 2006
Club Tropical, 8641 Washington Blvd, Culver City, CA, 2005, 2005b
- 21 March 2005, 2005b
- Nightclub, 1925, 1924
The Dakota Lounge, 1026 Wilshire Blvd., 2009
- The Long Lost, Dakota Lounge, 1026 Wilshire Blvd., 9 p.m., 15 January 2009
The Echo, 1822 Sunset Blvd., Echo Park, LA, CA, Feb. 14, 2006
The Electric Lodge, 2002
- Music Venue, Recording Studio,Venice, CA, 2002
Ex-Plex (under the Echo) enter thru Glendale Blvd between Park and Scott, alley address 1151 Glendale Blvd., 2006
The Foreman Phillips County Barn Dance, 2005b, 1940s
- Venice Pier, 2005b, 1940s
Grace Episcopal Church, 2006
- Nov. 12, 2006. 555 East Mountain View,, Glendora, CA 91741, 2006
La Monica Ballroom, 1974
The Little Temple, 4519 Santa Monica Blvd. (at Virgil), LA, CA
Little Temple, 2005, 2005b
- 4519 Santa Monica Blvd., 2005
- Silverlake Music Venue and Bar, 2005
17 March 2005, 2005b
26 March 2005, 2005b
Los Angeles County Natural History Museum, Los Angeles, 2006
- Sonic Scenery @the Natural Historry Museum, 2006
Mayarit, 1822 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, 2001
Ocean House, 2107 Ocean Av., 2007, 2006, 1983, 1981
Oneonta Congregational Church, 2006
- Nov. 5, 2006. South Pasadena, 2006
Plush, Tucson, Az. January 6, 2006
Radio, 1935, 1926
- (See Radio Stations)
St. Augustine-by-the-Sea, 2007
St. Gregory Episcopal Church, 2006
- Nov., 19, 2006, 6201 Willow, Long Beach, CA 90815, 2006
Santa Monica Civic Auditorium, 1974, 1950s
- Main and Pico
Santa Monica Municipal Auditorium, 1974, 1921
- Pier Ave., 1974, 1921
- Gilbert and Sullivan's The Mikado, performed by the Los Angeles Opera Company, featuring Lawrence Tibbett, 1974, 1921
Santa Monica Public Library, Main St., 2007
Santa Monica Public Library, Santa Monica Blvd., 2007
- ,January 27, 2007
Schoenberg Hall, 1997, 1974, 1950s
- UCLA Auditoruium, 1997, 1974, 1950s
Temple Bar, 1026 Wilshire Blvd., Santa Monica 2002
Troubadour Bar, 1997, 1968
- Rock Venue, 1997, 1968
- Santa Monica Blvd., 1997, 1968
U.C.L.A. Swimming Pool
Venetian Gardens, 2005b, 1905
The Venice Pier Ballroom, 1945, 1944, 1940's
The Vic, 2640 Main St., Events and Jazz Venue, Santa Monica, 2005b
Muskegon, MI, 2009
Muskegon Chronicle, 4/29/2009
Muskegon Heights Elementary Schools, 2009
- Richard E. Howe,Volunteer, [1926-2009], 2010, 2009
Musso & Frank's Grill, 1981, 1930s
- Hollywood Restaurant, 1981, 1930s
Myelodyplasia, (bone marrow cancer), 2007
- (See Health Care and related Issues)
Mr. A.J. Myers, 1908a, 1900
- Driver, Santa Monica Hose, Hook and Ladder Company horse-drawn combination hose wagon and chemical engine, 1908a, 1900
Ms. A.J. Myers, 1930
- Newville, PA., 1930
My Eyes Won't Dry 2: Tube Vision, Brian Conley Surfing Film, 1 hr., 2006
Myoporum, 1981, 1976, 1956, 1944
- RAND Corp. parking lot, 1980, 1976
- Los Angeles County Bldg., Santa Monica Civic Center, 1981, 1980, 1976,
- Santa Monica Municipal Auditorium. (1981), 1976, 1956, 1944
- Fourth and Strand, 1981, 1976, 1956, 1944
Mystery writers, 2008, 2005, 2005b, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 1999, 1997, 1994, 1991, 1981, 1966, 1961, 1940s, 1930s
- Leigh Brackett
- Raymond Chandler, 1981, 1944, 1940, 1940s, 1939
The Big Sleep, Knopf: NY, 1939
Farewell, My Lovely, Knopf: NY, 1940
The High Window, Knopf: NY, 1943
The Lady in the Lake Knopf: NY, 1944
The Little Sister, Knopf: NY, 1949
Naomi Hirahara, 2008, 2005
Lawrence Lipton* [ -1974], 2003, 2001, 1991, 1987, 1979, 1976, 1974, 1968, 1967, 1959, 1956, 1950s, 1948, 1946, 1944, 1938, 1930s
Walter Mosley, 2005, 2005b, 2004, 2002, 1999, 1997, 1994, 1991,
- Bad Boy Brawly Bown Phoenix: London 2004 (2002), 311 pp. (1964)
- Black Betty, Pocket Star Books: NY, 1994, 344 pp., 1994, 1961
- Cinnamon Kiss, Warner Books: NY, 2005. 313 pp., p. 277, 2005b, 1966
Suggested by Vivian Rankin-Scales, 2006a
Program Co-ordinator, Emeritus College, Santa Monica College, 2006a
Gone Fishin' Black Classic: Baltimore, 1997, 244 pp., 1946, 1939
A Red Death Pocket Books: NY, 1991, 245 pp. (1953)
Craig Rice,* 1997, 1940s, 1930s
- 420 Mesa, 1997, 1940s, 1930s
Mary Anita Sale, 1997, 1930s
- nee Loos, 1997, 1930s
Richard Sale, 1997, 1930s
- Screenwrter, 1997, 1930s
Willard Huntington Wright* (1888-1939) (S.S. van Dine), 2001, 2000, 1990, 1981, 1957, 1939, 1933, 1930s, 1920, 1914, 1913, Intro