- Quakers, p. 497, 1908a
Benjamin Taft and his descendents, p. 497, 1908a
It is asserted that Unitarians are a denomination of Quakers, p. 497, 1908a
Quality Poultry Co., 1920s
- 2305 Main St., Ocean Park, 1920s
- Phone: 63724; J.B. Molin*; Wholesale and retail; Eggs, 1920s
Quarry (ie)s, 1974, 1933, 1930s
- On Santa Catalina Island, 1974, 1933, 1930s
Santa Catalina Island Light Rock was used for the Santa Monica Breakwater body and cap, 1974, 1933, 1930s
Mountain Quarries, 1974, 1933, 1930s
Rock heavier than Santa Catalina Rock was available, 1974, 1933, 1930s
The Quarterly, 1947
- Historical Society of Southern California, 1947, vol. XXIX, No. 2, pp. 101-111 1, 1894
- Marco R. Newmark La Fiesta de Los Angeles of 1894 The Quarterly, XXIX, 2, 1947, pp. 101-111
Queen Mary, 2006
- Exhibition Space, Hotel, 2006
- Destination, Long Beach, 2006
Queen Palms, 1981, 1976, 1956, 1944
- Syagrus romanzoffiana, 1981, 1976, 1956, 1944
- 2412 Fourth, 1981, 1976, 1956, 1944
- Rand Parking Lot, 1976
Queensland Pittosporum, 1981, 1976, 1956, 1944
Quercus agrifolia, 1981, 1976, 1956, 1944
- Coast Live Oak, 1981, 1976, 1956, 1944
Quicksilver, Mercury, 1943, 1881, 1876, 1875, 1920-1850
- Losses in Tailings and Quicksilver, 1943, 1881, 1876, 1875
- [p. 257] "The total loss in quicksilver is startling. On an average it needed one pound for each ton of ore milled up to the present time, or about 14,000,000 pounds. At an average of 60 cents a pound the monetary loss was $8,400,000. Dan DeQuille estimated the loss at 7,344,000 pounds up to 1876, by assuming too large an average in the earlier years. When he was writing his Big Bonanza in 1875 he stated that the loss of quicksilver in milling the rich ores from the Con. Virginia bonanza "amounted to $60,000 and $70,000 per month"-a loss of over three pounds for each ton milled. The price at that time exceeded $1 a pound, the ore averaged $100 a ton, and they were charging each pan, holding 3,000 pounds of crushed ore, with 300 to 500 pounds of quicksilver. Necessarily, the loss in slimes and quicksilver was heavy. Practically all of this lost silver and gold and quicksilver ran down the cañons into the Carson River, which many have dreamed of an another Pactolus from which great fortunes were to be won. Such an attempt was made many years ago, which resulted in failure. If the material were light enough to be carried down to the river in small streams, the major portion would be carried on indefinitely, particularly by the spring floods. " . . .
Daedelus The Quiet Party, Plug Research pr 400203cd, cd/vinyl, 2005b, 2002,
- Features remixes by Madlib/YNQ & High Priest (Anti-Pop Consortium) + MCs Absract Rude & Busdriver
- Artwork by Chris Ellis and Desgin by Brandy Flower
Quincy Daily Herald, 1979, 1880
Bernard Quinn [1837- ], Bio., 1908a, p. 407; Portrait, Bernard Quinn, p. 407, 1908a, 1908c
Los Angeles County Supervisor Quinn, 1990, 1934
Dayna Quinn-Castillo, 2007
- Ted Daffan's Granddaughter, 2007. 1945, 1944, 1940s
J.H. Quinton, Restaurant, 129 Pier Ave., 2003, 1912
Quivera, 1908a, p. 5