Intro Schulte-Peevers

Andrea Schulte-Peevers and David Peevers Los Angeles, Lonely Planet: Oakland, 2nd ed., 1996 (1999), 351pp.

     "Generations of people around the world have grown up thinking Santa Monica is California. . . . " p. 180

     "Kinney (d. 1920) may have been a little kooky, but he unwittingly set the trend for the Venice of the future. Throughout the 20th century, the communtiy attracted whatever was the counterculture of its decade, be it Lawrence Lipton and Stuart Perkoff of the '50s Beat generation, the hippies of the '60s (Jim Morrison and the Doors were among those who lived here), the New Agers of the '70s and '80s, or the Rollerblading, image-obsessed babes and dudes of the '90s. In many ways, much more than Berverly Hills and certainly more than Hollywood, Venice generates the image of the free-wheeling, laid back, slightly crazed but creative and cutting-edge city that many people expect LA to be."


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 Kelyn Roberts 2017