1875 Young and Young

Betty Lou Young and Randy Young Santa Monica Canyon: A Walk Through History Casa Vieja Press: Pacific Palisades, CA, 1997, 182 pp., 1875.

     " . . . Jones and Baker laid out the townsite of Santa Monica and scheduled a land auction for July 15, 1875. On July 14 the steamer Senator arrived at the pier, carrying 150 passengers from San Francisco, bringing . . . Tom Fitch . . . [to] conduct the proceedings . . .

""On Wednesday afternoon at one o'clock we will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder, the Pacific Ocean, draped with a sky of scarlet and gold; we will sell a southern horizon, rimmed with a choice collection of purple mountains, carved in castles and turrets and domes; we will sell a frostless, bracing, warm, yet in languid air, braided in an in with sunshine and odored with the breath of flowers."

     " . . . .

     "The new railroad began passenger service on December 1, 1875 . . .

     "Santa Monica Canyon was perceived by developers and customers as a scenic extension of the town itself. . . ."

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 Kelyn Roberts 2017