1960 General Douglas MacArthur Park Post Card

General Douglas MacArthur Park Post Card, 1960

General Douglas Mac Arthur Park Post Card, L. 43-Western Publ. & Nov. Co., 259 So. Los Angeles St., L.A., Calif., (Color Photo by Frank J. Thomas) Natural Color Reproduction-Curteichcolor, Art Creation, Reg. Pat. Off., JT, 1960

"General Douglas MacArthur Park Looking East, Los Angeles, California. Wilshire Boulevard passes through this beautiful park, and is a main thoroughfare extending from downtown Los Angeles, to the ocean at Santa Monica." Franked with the three cent Iwo Jima, and postmarked 12 May 1960, Los Angeles. B. identifies to Mrs. Iola Millar, Venice, this scene as the old West Lake Park

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 Kelyn Roberts 2017