1900 Storrs

Les Storrs Santa Monica Portrait of a City Yesterday and Today, Santa Monica Bank: Santa Monica, CA, 1974, 67 pp., 1900

     "By 1900, thriving congregations of Catholics, Methodists, Presbyterians, Episcopalians and Baptists were active in the community . . ."

Pp. 50, 51 [Photo captions: "In the early days the Camera Obscura, now housed in a new building in Palisades Park, was on the beach adjacent to the bath house, as shown in the photo made in about 1900"; "Violet Cottage, shown in this old photo, was built by the grandfather of the late Marcellus Joslyn, donor of recreational buildings and faciities enjoyed by present day residents."]

According to the U.S. Census, Santa Moica"s population was 3,057 (Storrs, 1974, 1900), p. 287, 1908a

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 Kelyn Roberts 2017