1981  (1980) (1982) (1970-1980) (1980-1990Table of Contents


Allen David Heskin After the Battle is Won, Political Contradictions in Santa Monica, UCLA Lecture and unpublished ms. Fall, 1983, 1983, 1982, 1981, 1980, 1979, 1977  See Text

James W. Lunsford The Ocean and the Sunset, The Hills and the Clouds: Looking at Santa Monica, illustrated by Alice N. Lunsford, 1983, 1982  See Text

Frank MacShane (ed.) Selected Letters of Raymond Chandler, Columbia University Press: NY, 1981, 501pp., 1981, 1959, 19571944, 1940, 1939, 1919 See Text

Eric Mankin Strategies: You Can Win City Hall, Mother JonesVI, no. X, December, 1981. p. 66. 1981, 1970s1950s1940s See Text

Hal Morgan Big Time: American Tall-Tale Post Cards, St. Martin's Press: NY, 1981, 75 pp. See Text

Ocean Park Dawn, 1981,    See Image

Jenny Pirie, Peter Kastner and Jeff Mudrick A Short History of Ocean Park, Ocean Park Community Organization, 1982, (With a 1983 update.) 15 pp. 1983, 1982, 1981 See Text

Lionel Rolfe Literary L.A., Chronicle Books: San Francisco, 1981, 102 pp., 1940s1930s1923191619081902Introduction See Text

Santa Monica Planning Division Santa Monica Landmarks Tour, 2003.
32. Loof Hippodrome, 1916
40 John and Anna George House, circa 1911  See Text

Amanda Schacter (Ed.) Santa Monica Landmarks Santa Monica Landmarks Commission, 1990.
14 John and Anna George House    See Text

Jeffrey Stanton Santa Monica Pier: A History from 1875 to 1990, Donahue Publishing: Los Angeles, CA, 1990, 1981   See Text


     "The Georges were a prominent local family. John George was a City Council member and his wife was an active clubwoman." p. 18

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 Kelyn Roberts 2017